Chapter 5

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Lysias pov

"He has escaped," Jazper angrily grunts. His bright silver eyes turning two shades darker.

"How?," I growl barging into the room seeing an opened window.

"Asriel stepped out for a minute and he was gone when he came back," Jazper explains.

"Get the men ready," I order. I grab the wooden chair throwing it against the wall shattering it into pieces feeling anger arise within me. Then a sudden thought comes into my mind.


Sprinting upstairs I open the door wide open seeing an empty room. The rope that was once around her wrists are now on the floor. My eyes scan at the shattered glass spluttered on the floor and I immediately run up towards the window sticking my head out scanning all over the place. My eyes land on Athena running towards the woods. Then suddenly, as if she knew I was watching. She comes to a halt turning around. Her unique grey eyes locking with mine. For a brief second we stare at one another until a mischievous smirk appears on her lips as she turns back around continuing to run eventually getting lost within the woods.

"We'll meet again Athena."


Athena's pov


"Athena, what's with all the shouting so early in the morning?," Adamaris gruffly says running her half awaken purple eyes.

"Don't you dare get near me," I grit my teeth holding my sword near her neck.

"Athena what the fuck?," Alyja's blue-silvery eyes widen in panic staring between Adamaris and I.

"Did you know alpha Odysseus isn't our father?," I bluntly question.

"What? He is your father... what's going on?," Adamaris responds worriedly glancing at me.

"What are you talking about? Have you gone insane?," Alyja intervenes.

"Stop playing stupid or I'll slit your throat open," I grit my teeth inserting the point of my sword into the skin of her neck causing a small cut making her wince in pain.

"Fine you're right. Alpha Odysseus isn't your father," Adamaris admits.

"What?," Alyja gasps in pure shock.

"Start explaining," I demand.

"I can't he'll kill me," she responds petrified.

"I don't give a shit. It's either get killed by him or me," I warn.

"Please Adamaris," Alyja practically begs. Adamaris looks at Alyja with watery eyes until she glances at me giving in.

"Your biological father was a great wolf who served under alpha Odysseus at the time. Odysseus's beta to be exact. There was this very special beautiful she-wolf that Odysseus had fallen in love with, but the thing is... she wasn't his mate your father was. I know you don't believe in mates Athena, but mates is a very powerful deep connection between a she-wolf and a wolf. It's an unbreakable bond. A bond that can kill if rejected or a loss of a mate occurs."

"Yeah whatever. Get back to the story," I spat.

"After your father and mother mated this made alpha Odysseus mad. However, he continued on with his life, but he expelled your father from his army of wolves and kicked them both out from the empire. Your father didn't care due to committing himself to your mother who immediately conceived you Athena," she smiles at me.

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