Chapter 17

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"How much more until we get there?," I huff annoyedly. Lysias and I have been on the road for about five hours straight without stopping for anything besides gas.

"We're here," he responds casually pulling into a long road surrounded by trees and different colored plants, which gives the entire view a fairytale type of vibe. Further down the road, I see a huge parking garage attached on the side of a huge glass building that isn't see through whatsoever. Trees with lavender, white, blue, yellow and turquoise leaves surround the entire building. This places looks magical in my opinion.

"This place is huge. I never thought beautiful places like this existed," I say breathlessly admiring every little detail.

"Only alphas are allowed in this place," Lysias says.

"You shouldn't of brought me then," I worriedly say not wanting to get Lysias into any trouble for bringing me along to this alpha society.

"Lunas are welcomed other than that no one else is," Lysias smirks. I don't say anything in response knowing Lysias smirked at the mention of lunas. Naturally, being mated to an alpha crowns me as a luna. No wonder Lysias left Alyja back in his empire even though she whined about wanting to come along in order to meet alpha Edon, but Lysias shut it down real quick. Now I know why.

As soon as we parked. We make our way into the elevator to enter the premises. I must admit, I'm pretty nervous about being here, which is pretty weird. Usually, I'm not a nervous she-wolf, but since finding my mate it's like I've changed into a normal she-wolf. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even still the cold Athena I was tormented to be.

"Relax as longest you're with me you don't have to worry," Lysias reassures looking at me with his midnight black eyes.

"Are all of the alphas cool?," I awkwardly ask scratching my arm.

"Uhm, they have their differences, but overall they're decent," he briefly says as the metal door of the elevator slides open both Lysias and I step out into the building. As we walk down the hallway I can't help, but feel anxious by every step I take following Lysias like a lost puppy. Not sure if being in the presence of alphas is what has me acting like a nervous wreck or if it's due to the fact about not knowing how they're going to react towards me especially since I'm Queen Vasilisa's killer.

In the end of the hallway stands a tall muscular wolf with dirty blonde hair with tints of golden caramel. As soon as we get closer he turns around catching my gaze. He's very attractive, but that's not what catches my attention. His navy blue eyes does almost making you get lost within them due to how blue they are reminding you of complete royalty.

"Who is this?," the navy blue eyed wolf bluntly asks raising an intimidating brow.

"Back off she's goddess Athena, my mate," Lysias swiftly says.

"You? A mate?," he shrewdly chuckles. Suddenly, the door opens exposing a black haired good looking wolf with the most purest beautiful light grey eyes with swirls of yellow within his irises. I myself have grey eyes, but they're dark grey compared to this wolf's eyes. I'm almost jealous wishing I had his color.

"I knew I heard something. Pardon me, goddess of fire for this fool's behavior. Let's start over, I'm alpha Cubris and this one over here is alpha Josiah," the wolf I came to know as Cubris casually says giving me a very welcoming smile.

"Nice to meet you. Wait how did you know about me bein-"

"He can read minds," Lysias murmurs cutting me off.

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