Chapter 3

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Amazing cover made by Addie2424
Thank you girl, I adore this so so much!

If anyone wants to make covers or fan art for Alpha Lysias or any of my other stories, send them through my inbox (Wattpad) or email them to:

It's been an entire day of traveling to this alpha's empire. We haven't stopped at all not wanting to waste any time. Perseus and I have been thinking of ways to approach this alpha about reversing the curse, but no matter how we come about it. We both know he won't agree to it. After all he did put this curse for a reason.

"We're almost there," Perseus informs as I sit back staring at the stars and moon that are shining brightly tonight. Adamaris, always told Alyja and I as little girls that when mates find each other by a simple touch through finger tips that the stars align and a flash of light flashes on the moon.

To be honest, I never believed in this myth. I think it's a shit load of crap made up, so that she-wolves can save themselves for their supposedly mates when wolfs don't do the same in return. So hypocritical. On the other hand, Alyja is a huge believer in this whole mate thing. Which is cool for her I guess. I do hope she does find her mate, so she can leave far away from our wicked father. The farther the better.

The cool breeze touches my skin and blows through my dark hair feeling so relaxed. It's almost as if breathing this cool air makes me feel so light. Back in my empire the temperature is humid making the energy feel so heavy.

"I'm going to take a quick nap let me know once we hit the empire," I yawn shutting my eyes.


"We're here," Perseus softly says as he lightly delicately shakes my shoulder. My eyes flutter open stretching my arms out seeing the biggest wall I've ever seen any alpha have. Trees are all around making the wind feel fresher adding the natural nature smell I've come to love very quickly.

I hop out of the car gazing at my surroundings admiring the beauty of it all. Greens and browns with a tint of orange/burgundy is all I see. I don't see much of this back at home. This place is really beautiful and for some weird reason it's almost as if I feel like, I'm home. I trudge towards the huge wooden two door on the huge wall. My grey eyes examining every detail of it making sure there's isn't anything threatening to us.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

A sudden deep voice shouts echoing throughout the forest making Perseus and I pry around trying to see the man behind that voice.

"We mean no harm. I'm Athena from Alpha Odysseus empire," I respond still looking around not sure of where I should be staring at.

"Leave, nothing good comes from alpha Odysseus empire," the voice scolds making the leaves of plants and trees shiver.

"I swear-"

"Leave now or die," suddenly a tall muscular wolf appears in front of me. His bright silver eyes looking at me threateningly. Perseus steps forward pushing me behind him, so he can face him, but I immediately put my hand on his chest bringing him to a halt reassuring that I have this under control.

"I, Athena repeat, We mean no harm. I'm here to just have a calm conversation with alpha Lysias," I causally say not showing any fear.

ALPHA LYSIASWhere stories live. Discover now