Chapter 2

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Athena's pov

After a long day, I finally make it back to my home. On the way to my room I take off my heels throwing them to the side. Coming to a halt, a mischievous smirk forming on my lips seeing Perseus in my room smoking a blunt waiting for me.

"Looking good," I flirtatiously say circling around him. He puts the blunt down onto the dish his green eyes gazing upon me showing me how much he has missed me today.

"You're beautiful you know that?," he huskily says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Perseus, you know I don't do relationships. What we have is only sex," I bluntly say putting a stop to what he's trying to do. Perseus and I met four years ago, I was fifteen and he was seventeen. My father recruited him into our wolf pack and I trained him teaching him how to serve under alpha Odysseus. Perseus always viewed me in a different way than he did to the rest of the she-wolves.

Perseus is attractive and loves power like me. We have a lot in common. I think that's why we instantly connected and eventually took our professional relationship into the next level. I have always made it stone clear that it was only for sex, which he wasn't so happy about. He wanted more, but he settled down with my offer anyways. But he never fails to keep insisting every chance he gets.

"Athena it's been three years. Is this what it's always going to be between us? I lov-"

"Don't you dare say it," I cut him off putting my index finger on his lips. Not wanting to argue anymore I press my lips on his asking for access to explore that mouth of his, which he grants. Our lips move in sync together immediately the both of us on the bed getting it on.


"I have a new mission for you," father firmly says as he gets off from his thrown pacing back and forth observing between Perseus and I.

"What is it father?," I yawn bored of the task already just wanting to get straight to the point.

"It's alpha Odysseus," he grits his teeth.

"I apologize alpha Odysseus."

"You're going to pay a visit to one of my biggest enemies. An alpha's empire," father utters.

"What?," I question.

"That's suicide alpha Odysseus," Perseus adds a worried expression on his face.

"Both of you stop being sissys," he grumbles.

"This alpha cursed your alpha now you must go and make him reverse it," Odysseus sternly commands. My eyes widen along with Perseus. I can feel my heart beat faster than usual just by the thought of facing the alpha who cursed my father.

"Isn't he known to be the most powerful alpha to ever live? His wolf being triple the size of a regular wolf?," I mumble still baffled by this absurd mission.

"I'm the most powerful alpha to ever live understand?," father shouts. His dark eyes looking completely midnight dark. Anger and hate written all over it.

"Yes you are," I firmly respond mentally rolling my eyes.

"Is that all we need to do? Make this alpha reverse the curse?," Perseus utters.


"And how do you suppose we make him reverse it? What if he doesn't cooperate?," I ask knowing this mission won't go smoothly.

"Find a way," Odysseus flatly responds. Perseus and I both glance at one another already knowing this is going to be one of the most difficult missions we've ever done. However, we nod agreeing with my father.

"After he does reverse it. Kill him," he venomously says.

"What is this alpha's name?"

"Alpha Lysias."

After all this time knowing about this alpha being the one to curse my wicked father. I finally know his name. This wolf is the most feared alpha out there. He's known for his extreme wolf's size and his love for vengeance, strong leadership, incredible strength, and his emotionless self. We have one thing in common though and that is we're both ruthless. No one has ever lived to tell their story when going against this alpha. There has been rumors I heard about him being a handsome cocky alpha through mutual she-wolves. I have never heard how old he is, but my bet is he's an old fart like my wicked father.

"You'll leave tonight."

ALPHA LYSIASWhere stories live. Discover now