Chapter 8

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Alyja's pov

It's been a week of being locked up in this dungeon. Perseus is in charge of giving me my two meals a day. I can tell Perseus feels a certain way, but I have no idea what happened between Athena and him for him to act so cold towards me. Every time, I practically beg for his help he ignores me. Perseus and I aren't acquaintances whatsoever. While Athena, Perseus and other top warriors spent their day out of the empire. I was busy attending school studying medicine and herbs.


I snap my head up turning slightly towards the outside of the metal rusty bars. It's completely dark barely a dim of light shining through a small rectangular window that's at the end of the hallway hardly providing any light towards my cell. I squint my eyes noticing within the darkness as a figure moves forward slowly. As soon as this shadowy figure hits the light. My eyes widen full of surprise happy to see Adamaris.

"I'm so sorry it's taken so long to see you," she whispers her two hands clutched around the dark rusty old bars. Her purple eyes looking pained as she examines me.

"Alpha Odysseus actually let you?," I respond now standing up. My hands clutched around hers.

"No, I had to find a way in," she murmurs.

"Go, I don't want you to get caught," I eerily say.

"I can't, I've kept something very important from you and your sister. I shouldn't of done that," Adamaris huffs a disappointed expression plastered on her face. I scrunch my brows together not really understanding what she means. What is so damn important that she is willing to risk herself getting caught by Perseus or Odysseus?

"You're an ice goddess Alyja. Your mother herself and your ancestors before her inherited this down to you and Athena," Adamaris solemnly says.

"Ice goddess? Mother? Ancestors? What are you talking about?," I question jumbled by it all.

"Remember that blueish lines that would always form within your veins and I would say it was just your imagination?"

"Yeah?," I reply still lost in all of this.

"Those are your powers Alyja. I shouldn't of lied to you all this time. I was so afraid of alpha Odysseus. I easily let him intimidate me. He's such an evil wolf. I'm so sorry," Adamaris whimpers her purple eyes a glossy sheen. I always knew something was up and that Adamaris wasn't being truthful, but never did I think it would be anything this crazy. Athena and I, Goddesses? Now that's just insane.

"The shots? What were they truly for?," I ask remembering about those routinely shots my sister and I were forced to get.

"To calm down your powers," Adamaris frowns.

"I must be dreaming. Yeah that's what it is okay Alyja wake the fuck up," I tell myself unwrapping my hands from Adamaris now holding my head.

"You're not dreaming Alyja this is all very real. All those dreams you and Athena had were your inner goddesses communicating with you. You're ice like your mother and Athena is fire like your grandmother," Adamaris explains.

"How do you know all of this?"

"Because I knew them both," Adamaris responds a stern expression on her face. Suddenly, footsteps are heard coming down the stairs towards us and Adamaris jumps back in fright letting go of the metal bars.

"Get out of here now," I whisper. Adamaris immediately goes towards the staircase crouching down under it quietly waiting for whoever is stepping down to pass by. As soon as Perseus and Ranesis step down off the stairs then make their way towards my cell. Adamaris stands up sprinting upstairs not wasting any time.

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