Chapter 19

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I flutter my eyes open as I yawn seeing the sunlight beam through the window giving the entire room such a natural brightness. Feeling arms on my waist I turn my head seeing my mate sound asleep. After last night's crazy sex. The both of us completely knocked out. Today, I feel different almost as if I was reborn. I feel stronger, youthful, calmer, energetic, and happy.

"Lysias," I murmur shaking him lightly. Lysias groans eventually waking up due to my persistence, "What's wrong? Are you okay?," his husky voice asks.

"I'm more than fine. I just wanted to see your eyes," I smile leaning on his muscled chest gazing at him with such fondness.

"Who are you and what have done to my stubborn mate?," Lysias jokingly says.

"Oh stop it," I playfully roll my eyes.

"Are you hungry?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I giggle admiring this perfection of a view in front of my eyes.

"Go cook us something then," Lysias smirks.

"Uhm, I don't know how to cook," I awkwardly respond. I was never taught how to cook by anyone since I was always too busy out in the field training nonstop. Adamaris, would usually cook Alyja and I's meals.

"It's okay, believe it or not I make some bomb ass pancakes," he waggles his brows.

"Well get on it. Your luna is very hungry," I smile.

"Give me my morning kiss first," Lysias says gazing at me with pure adoration I'm quickly coming to love.

"Give me my morning kiss first," Lysias says gazing at me with pure adoration I'm quickly coming to love

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I lean down placing my lips on his. Pure happiness is in my heart all due to this alpha. I pull away letting Lysias get off of the bed as his bare self bends over grabbing his briefs from the floor. I take advantage admiring his awesome masterpiece body. Lysias is goals of perfection literally.

"What are you waiting for? Come on," Lysias looks at me opening the door.

"Uhm how can I say this... I can't my legs are completely sore," I murmur feeling a bit embarrassed, but in a humorous manner. Lysias immediately smirks in pure victory as we both remember the time he asked me about Perseus and I's sexual relations. Man, did Lysias really mean everything he said.


"I can't believe you met him. Did you tell him about me?," Alyja excitedly says. After breakfast, Lysias had to go meet Luka concerning Odysseus. So I'm spending time with my sister walking around the empire.

"No, I didn't have the time to Alyja. Our lives are more important than your little crush on him," I truthfully say.

"Grinch, oh my moon. Is that what I think it is?," a baffled expression is plastered on her face. I have my hair tied into a messy bun totally forgetting about my visible mark on my neck. It's not like I'm trying to hide it at all. I just really don't want to talk about it.

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