Chapter 11

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Athena's pov

Bursting out of the dance bar I shift running deep into the woods far away from where alpha Lysias is. As I run, images of Lysias and my finger tips touching feeling that unexplainable overpowering sparks we both shared that moment replays in my mind. The one thing I didn't believe in and deep down always avoided because truth is there was always a little string of belief I got stuck on me from all of the times Adamaris and Alyja would talk about it. I guess some of it ended up rubbing off on me with time, but of course being the stubborn she-wolf I ambI could never dare admit that.

I dreaded this day ever happening to me, but here I am running away from my mate. And not just any mate, an alpha. Funny, how the two things I was always so against ended up biting me on the ass. I, Athena just found my mate and he's alpha Lysias.

"What am I going to do?," I murmur to myself still running until I hit a cliff coming to a halt. I stand on the edge looking out to the ocean becoming lost in many thoughts that's currently spinning in my mind.
It all makes sense now. From the very first time I've laid eyes on him. I felt this undeniable attraction. Lysias is a very handsome wolf, but the attraction was deeper than just looks. It was almost like a connection, but I didn't know exactly what until his touch on me. Now I know we share this deep bond that I can't seem to shake off of me now.

Maybe that's why I couldn't leave him alone at times. It was this connection that kept almost calling me like a magnet. I wonder if he felt the same way, I would always feel him gazing at me when I wasn't looking. It's a perk that comes with being a goddess. I can always feel when eyes are on me. Maybe that's why Lysias acted so strange with Perseus presence especially when he said that remark. For sure, Lysias must of felt this same connection as me. Images of alpha Lysias body, face, and wolf come into my mind once again torturing me. I shake my head in an attempt to brush these torturous dirty thoughts away.

"Why is my body weakening by just the thought of him?," I grunt hating the effect he's having on me already. I break away from my thoughts as a strong scent flows through my nostrils, which has my knees weakening by the adoration of this unique intoxicatingly scent.

Alpha Lysias

After Athena practically ran out of the dance bar as if she saw a ghost. My new natural instinct decides to take over and I find myself running after her following her wolf's scent. Before, I would never follow behind a she-wolf ever, but here I am running after one, and not just anyone, my mate. After a good few minutes, I finally spot her standing on the edge of the cliff looking into the ocean.

This isn't my first time seeing her golden brown wolf last time I couldn't really analyze her since I had to stop Athena from killing Serena

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This isn't my first time seeing her golden brown wolf last time I couldn't really analyze her since I had to stop Athena from killing Serena. But now as I shift back to my human form I take the opportunity to do so and let me just say, she's absolutely beautiful.

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