Chapter 7

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Last night, after Ida gave me some tea it definitely relaxed me eventually knocking me out. Today I woke up at ease full of energy. It's been a while I haven't gotten a good decent sleep. I'm currently sitting in front of freshly made waffles waiting for alpha Lysias to come into the kitchen, so I can start eating since his beta Jazper instructed me to do so.

"He's taking forever," I grumble rolling my eyes at Jazper who's standing near the door arms crossed across his chest watching me as if I was some type of criminal. He says nothing just glaring at me. Suddenly, I hear heavy footsteps coming down from the stairs. Lysias steps inside the kitchen nicely suited in all black everything with a leather black jacket and his black matte gloves.

He looks incredibly handsome.

"You and I have business to talk about," Lysias solemnly says blankly looking at me. His midnight black eyes staring onto mine. I couldn't help, but take advantage of checking out his every feature admiring his well sculpted face and his perfect strong jawline. That jet black hair of his looking so smooth and shiny perfectly combed into place.

Black is definitely his color.

"Business? I don't know about all that. All I know is after I eat these waffles. I'm going to go get my sister," I bluntly respond raising a brow.

"You're a fool to think Odysseus wouldn't have a trap ready for you."

"And you care why?"

"I can care less about anyone from his empire. I just need you to get me to him, so I can finally end his pathetic life," Lysias grits his teeth his midnight black eyes turning two shades darker a glint of red swirling around his iris. I stay quiet thinking about him being right about Odysseus most likely having traps all over the empire knowing I would go back for Alyja. He knows she's all I have.

"I want him dead as well. Just one thing, did Ida mention to you if Odysseus knows about my sister and I being goddesses?," I ask taking a sip of orange juice. Ida didn't mention anything about alpha Odysseus knowing about our powers and our mother being a goddess. Even though he always became angry when we would questioned him about what was going on with us. If my mother kept her identity a secret then there's no way he should know right?

"Wow, warrior assassin Athena is stupid clueless I swear," he sarcastically says letting out a light chuckle. I squint my eyes at him throwing my most deadliest glare.

"He's known all along that's why he was so in love with your mother according to Ida. He wanted his offspring to be the most powerful alpha to ever exist because it would have been. That's why I put that curse on him to prevent such a monster to ever have a heir."

It makes sense all of the abusive unloving treatment by alpha Odysseus. No wonder he would get so angry when we asked so many questions about what was going on with our bodies. He envied us the entire time.

"Why would he keeps us alive then if he knew?," I murmur confusedly.

"That... you would have to ask him," Lysias raises a dark brow getting up from his seat.

"The longer Alyja remains in his empire the deeper in danger she's in. We have to go now," I hastily say feeling extremely worried for her.

"We can't leave now. He would expect that Athena. Start using your brain. You know this as much as I do," Lysias annoyedly responds.

"Fuck," I roll my eyes hating how right he tends to always be.

"I need to see her. I need to at least know she's okay. She's all I have in this life," I frustratingly say standing up from my seat.

Lysias sighs heavily before saying, "I'll send one of my wolfs to check on her, but starting today it's best that you start learning about your fire powers with Ida. Trust me, Athena you're going to need to because Odysseus being wicked as he is won't free your sister without a fight. I'm sure you knew that already after all you did grow up under him," Lysias firmly says looking at me with such seriousness in his deep voice and features.

"You're willing to help me?," I scrunch my brows surprised by his offer. Even though he wasn't direct about it I know he just offered his help.

"You're going to get me to Odysseus, so I can get my revenge that is all. It's business," he blankly says narrowing his midnight black eyes at me before turning his heel walking out of the kitchen leaving me behind.

"Ugh, Men. How I hate them so much. Always wanting to control she-wolves," I mutter under my breathe as I finish my delicious waffles.

"Good morning goddess Athena," Ida respectively says. A lovely smile appearing on her face as she enters the kitchen.

Goddess Athena?

Well that's sounds powerful.

"Good morning Ida," I reply.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes thanks. Alpha Lysias mentioned something about training with you?," I say scrunching my brows.

"It's important for you to become the fiery goddess you are destined to be," she responds. I've always been the type to be ready for training, but for some reason this is not the case. Maybe it's because I am still processing the entire discovery of my identity I became aware of last night. Even for someone like me it's a shit load to accept. But if this is what I have to do to get my sister and potentially kill Odysseus then so be it.

"Let's get started," I bluntly say.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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