Chapter 4: Mirrors

Start from the beginning

I smile warmly and about to cast a spell to truly complete it, but.....


Everyone stood up and turned to the door. There, a tall muscular man, with tan skin, gold eyes, and slight blueish hair, grinned cruelly.
"Who are you?!" The people yelled and guards pointed their swords at him.
I stepped back as his eyes landed on me. They were filled with insanity, greed and lust. I felt small arms hug my waist, I looked down and see a little girl with pink hair, the sides stick out like cat ears. I picked her up and held her in my arms. She was trembling and was scared. I was in a different form, so the enemy did not know my true identity.
Two more individuals ran next to me. A Woman with long blonde hair, a gold beautiful dress, with a gold crown, and pink eyes. A red jewel staff in her hand. The other one was a man with green eyes, a purple cape around him. His hair black purple, and two Ruby earrings he wore. He held a lantern in his hand. Both stood in front of me, and glared at him

Behind the man, stood magicians in black robes. Some even had their fave covered. I looked around, and saw all the women in fear. I noticed all of them had pink hair. And old woman stood up, and walked over to the man. She opened one eye, it was a pale pink.
"Who are you, and why have you interrupted our ceremony?" She said.
She held an eagle shape wooden staff. The man smirked and looked over to me.
"I have come to ask for the Eclipse Maiden's hand." He said.
The entire room filled with gasp and murmurs. My eyes widened, and held the little girl closer to me.
The old woman turned to me and to him.
"I refuse to hand my granddaughter's hand to you. Now leave." She said coldly.

"You show them Elder Nana!!"

"Go away bastard!"

"No way are you taking her hand!"

People kept yelling and telling him to leave. I smiled to all my people. Then...



"NANA!!!" I yelled in horror as I saw her drop to the ground dead.
The women all scream in horror. The men filled with rage and charged at him. Some of the women also. The blonde woman quickly grabbed my hand and we ran the man with black hair, place and invisibility spell to hide eyes. I heard screaming and cackling. The tower that I once stood at, burning in flames. Bodies of friends and family dropping to the ground. Tears falling from my eyes. The little girl in my arms, crying, I refused to let anything happen to her.
I turn my head back and only see the silhouette of that man and his crew gold eyes and smile. He cackled as he killed another one of my people that was fighting him.
"I will find you Maiden of Eclipse and you will be mine!!! Let is enjoy this game of cat and mouse!!!" He cackled as he raised his hands.
My eyes widened in realization at what he was about to do. I quickly handed the little girl, younger sister to my two friends and ran towards him. I summon my staff.
I slid on my knees as I dodged a wooden pillar in flames. My eyes turned to pink slits. He smirked and eyes widened in horror as.....


And the entire place was engulfed in burning blinding light......

I don't know how long I was out but, I awoke with the feeling of water around me. I slowly turn my head. My body was in pain.


I was in a small water bed. The water was healing me, but slowly. My pink eyes, clothing, everything, was turned back to normal. People ran up to my bed, crying and saying they were so happy I was alive. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I remembered what happened. So many friends and loved ones dies.....all because of me.
"Why.....why.....why did they....JUST WHY?!" I cried and covered my eyes.
Everyone went silent and I cried.

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