Just moments after my outburst that included being pissed at Harry he fucking called! He called because he wanted to know how I was doing and wanted to see me. I ended up crying on the phone. I cried because I felt so lonely, because school sucks and mostly I cried because I missed Harry. We talked at least two hours until he calmed me down enough to make it through Friday, since I couldn’t come over because he had to work on Friday night.

But here I am on a Saturday afternoon, cuddling with Harry. When I arrived I sobbed in his arms. After a few soothing words, comfort and hugs I felt better. At least I wasn’t crying anymore. Apparently that is something to be proud of these days.

“Are you okay?” Harry asks me again, now that I’m finally able to answer with more than hiccups and tears.

I shrug. “Honestly… no. I hate school and everyone hates me. And I never see you guys anymore!” I mutter with a sad pout. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but it just hurts so badly.

“I’m here right now, aren’t I?” he says slightly offended.

“Yes you are, but I just feel so fucking lonely,” I sigh deeply.

He kisses the side of my head. “I know Lou, I hate it. If there is anything I can do, tell me.”

I crawl closer in his lap and put my arms around him. “Just being here with you is enough,” I smile at him.

“And if those stupid fuckers like Zayn ever say or do anything to you I’ll teach them!” he exclaims with clear anger in his voice.

I laugh at his reaction, feeling relieved. Harry would practically do anything for me. It’s so great to have such an amazing friend. Yesterday I might have felt differently, but that was just because I can’t live without my Hazza. I need him in my life.

“You are so amazing Haz. I don’t know what I would do without you,” I state completely sincere.

“Damn right!” he agrees half-serious. “You can’t live without me.”

“Yeez, I know. You don’t have to rub it in my face,” I chuckle.

“But I can’t live without you either. I love you.”

“I love you back,” I declare, turning my body to give him a kiss on the mouth.

We snuggle on his beanbag and talk about his first week of college. Of course he made friends the minute he walked into the room. Somehow people don’t care he is a gabber, he always charms his way around. I don’t believe that a single person who has met Harry doesn’t instantly like him. He is like a magnet, he forcefully pulls you in. Believe me, I know.

“I’m happy for you,” I comment supportive, although the underlying tone is slightly bitter.

“Thanks Lou, I wish I could say the same to you.”

“As long as I have you it’s okay. I missed you like crazy, but of course I understand that you are very busy.”

“It’s a pleasure to hear you say you missed me,” he grins momentarily before frowning. “That sounded awful, you know what I mean,” he chuckles.

I nod, I do know what he means. That’s another amazing thing about our friendship, we always understand each other perfectly, even when we were younger. When we were around seven years old we had our own sign language. We talked to each other through our own invented sign language. Apparently it looked so real that people actually believed we were deaf! It was our secret code which only Harry and I understood. It was amazing and just thinking back about it, a giggle escapes my mouth.

Love & Hate and Friends & Lovers (Zouis/Larry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ