let's get married

43 4 1

"Just cause this moment, deserves a moment
Let's get married, let's get married
I'mma get drunk enough and get crazy enough
To say something just as crazy as let's get married."

al. 💫

I pulled into the parking lot of my marvelous home that I missed ever dearly, tightening my grasp around my steering wheel. I sighed loudly, a brighten smile appearing upon my face. I glanced into my backseat to see my luggage piled in the back seat horribly from the rushing this morning.

I turned the car off, placing my keys in my pocket. I went over to the rear doors of my car after getting out my car. I pulled of my luggage by myself towards my door, still having to make several more runs to the in case I dropped something in the ground. Once I finished grabbing my luggage, I didn't realize the little sticky notes that were plastered on my fridge. My face turned into a disgusted, but confused manner. I dropped my bags in my living room, pacing back the little purple stick notes that were all over my fridge.

-A small rose, painted delicately and placed into the garden to show. A little rose, slight imperfect with its beautiful darken veins and uneven cut petals. A rose, indeed that won a painters heart. Receive your gift in your fingers, and allow it to engulf your soul in peace and tranquility.

I knew Ashton plastered these notes connecting together to make a small rose within the words. I covered my heart with my hand, smiling and wiping a tear from my eye. I tossed my hair into a large curly bun, sliding my shoes back on to go see the man I truly adored.

I couldn't properly place my finger on the reason I fall in love with this man, but may that mean that the reasonings are endless. I would smile at every thought of someone bringing up Ashton, and how we've been doing recently. I love the fact my mother accepted the man I'm falling so hopelessly in love with. My life feels incomplete with his little girlish giggles that makes me laugh whenever his cheeks are flushed with a red tone from embarrassment from his giggles. I didn't think I would wake up properly and go on every day without looking at the screen to my phone and seeing his pearly white flashing on my screen. His intoxicating smile makes my heart drip from love and fills my mind with many peaceful thoughts. I just feel like I've met someone that who can relate with me on more emotional, even a spiritual level. That was something I could have never experienced with Adonis, since he didn't care much about the creation of art and the distribution of through the translation of words.

I held my hands in front of me, sighing constantly while the everlasting smile still planted on my face. I seen another purple sticky note plastered on his door that said you're welcome to walk in whenever you're ready. I was still in a world filled with questions as I pushed open the door and smelling the area. The familiar smell reminded me of my own home, the candles that were always lit on my nightstand after dance rehearsals. I gazed down at the floor to see the white lily petals in a trail, leading towards an den area of Ashton's house.

I pushed open the last door as my mouth flew open in surprise and excitement. I felt my heart begin to automatically thump hard against my chest while I fanned myself. I gazed upon the mural that was painted in this small area, feeling my eyes beginning to tear up more due to the overcoming of happy emotions that fulfilled my mind. I sniffles a couple of times, calling out Ashton's name with a rasp to my voice due to my crying.

"Ashton, bring your ass out right now and explain why this giant wall is covered in this picture of me?"

"I'm not coming out until you're done crying," His chuckle rumble through the area as I shook my head and clenched my fist.

"Whatever you're planning, you better make it quick before I start ugly crying. That's not something you want to see. It's the snot, the frog lips, and everything," I wiped underneath my eyes with the padding of my fingers, my sniffling hard against my chest.

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