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"And you like intrigue me, like you make me want more
Like you make me wanna like be with you"

caution: smut ahead lmao


I sat with my hands folded in front of me, leaning my chin against my knuckles. I glanced up ever so often to check the opening of the hospital rooms. I shook my leg constantly, becoming restlessness. I pulled out my phone, sending a message back Michael and telling him I was at the hospital with Alana.

I slid my phone back into my pocket before looking up at the door that exited the main doors. I scooted myself to the edge of my seat when I seen the doctor talking to the receptionist behind the counter. She turned towards my direction, signaling me to join their conversation. My feet took off before my body could comprehend as I was already at the counter, placing my hands on the smooth surface. I turned my body towards the doctor as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, how is her hand?"

"Saying that the bone broke and punctured the skin. She'll be okay, we've done some argent operation work and you may go see her now if you want."

The doctor gave me directions toward her hospital room as I nodded my head and sped off to the room. I glanced both directions multiple times, feeling my heart racing anxiously unexpectedly. I paused for a second once I heard my phone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing the caller I.D before swearing under my breath. I ran my fingers through my hair, answering it subsequently.

"Hello," I mumbled.

"Hey , Ashton. I was stopping by the house, but I noticed that the house was locked and your car isn't outside in the driveway. Where'd you go? We were supposed to have a movie night," Leigh-Anne voice chirped through my ears as I shook my head, trying to think of a plan.

"I'm out with Calum at the moment. He cut his hand on the glass table in his house and I had to drag him down to the hospital. You know, Clumsy Ol' Calum," I explained, biting my nails while standing outside of Alana's hospital room.

"Oh poor guy. Do you know when you're going to be back because a couple of friends wanted me to hang out with them tonight and I just decided to bail because of our movie night?"

"I'm not all that positive. Just go out and have some fun. You've spent enough time on me."

"Okay, Fletch. I'll be back to the house in a-"

"Go have fun. I'll be fine with crybaby over here," I chuckled as her giggle rung through my ears.

She soon said her farewells and I love you's as I repeated, removing the phone away from my face once she hung up. I slipped the phone back in my pocket before popping up in the door. She laid there with a faint smile on her face and her broken hand sitting cautiously on her chest. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, which exposed to me her lighten brown skin and the bags underneath her eyes. Her lower lip was chapped as the dark brown eyes bore in mines harshly.

I slowly walked into the room, sitting myself down the chair beside her hospital bed, intertwining our fingers together. She turned her head gently towards my direction, her smile widen as she closed her eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel like absolute shit. At least they didn't do too much operation on my hand. I got a couple of stitches and they told me it would take some time for me to heal. My bone would take some a while for it to grow back and reform. I'm not really sure because when they were talking to me, I was under heavy medicine so I wasn't paying attention. All I remember is it will take 2-4 weeks to heal," Alana explained, rolling onto her side while facing my direction.

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