east liberty

139 6 0

"Come on baby, come oh oh girl
Come home baby, come home girl"

precaution: smut ahead...continue( or not I mean tbh it's all on you booboo)

al. 💫

I was stuck was in the house, for another lonely weekend. I've been out and about all week, working on my routine for my auditions and recitals that was coming closer then I thought. Since Adonis has been at his mother's house, I've spent more time on working than matching with his locals for a quick bill that would go to my own bills. A cleanse was deeply neded after the long week of auditions and recitals that were head of me.

I've been texting Adonis since he's been gone, and he told me he was feeling a little better then the night he came here with a face full of scars and hurt. I kept my tears in when he told me he needed to take break from everything. It's been taking a toll on him as his withdrawals were a lot more evident after he left and since he stop using drugs and doing all the partying. I've talked to him on the phone, and he seemed a lot more nervous and anxious, the kidn of anxiousness that'll keep you on your toes.

I was cuddled up on the couch with a large hoodie that belonged while watching a couple of re-runs of Ghost Whisperer. I felt my eyes become heavy as I could feel myself fall asleep. My phone begin to buzz against the end table glass. I groaned loudly, reaching above my head. I rubbed my eyes and answered the phone. I yawned, coursing my fingers through my unruly and matted curls that were laying flat on the bakc of my head.


"Hey Lana," Adonis's voice rung through the speaker, as he sniffled lightly.

"Adonis, how long have you been crying?" I questioned, placinf my feet on the carpet before wigglign my toes through the material. I removed the blanket off of me, lifting my body off the couch.

"Uh, not for long. No need to worry."

"It's been long enough. How long have you been crying, and you beter tell me the truth?" I spoke sternly.

"All day and last night," I heard him mumble.

"Adonis," I sighed worringly.

"Please don't say shit about it, Alana. I don't want you worrying about me, okay?" I could hear his teeth grit together as I shook my head.

"But how are you suppose to get better if you keep closing up on me. Did you forget-"

"You're not my girlfriend, okay! I should've never went to the house that night," I heard him yell as I felt my mouth gape open at the sudden outburst befor shaking my head with the slight anger starting to invade my more civilised thoughts. I exhaled deeply, going back into my living room.

"Baby no. I didn't mean it like that. I promise, I'm having a hard time with this recovery. Please come back to the phone. I didn't meant to say that shit," I could hear his voice break before hearing a loud cough as he tried to clear his voice.

I felt my eyes fill up as I cuddle up with the blanket on the couch, letting my tears drain into the fluffy material. His coughing slowly turned into slight mumbles trying to tell himself that "crying over this situation wouldn't solve shit". I threw the blanket from my cuddled body, pacing up the stairs with determination to get to his location . I pulled a pair of sweatpants and threw on a pair of slippers before pacing back down the stairs, opening the door.

"I'm coming to see you, right now," I yelled out, as the rain pattered down in front of me.

"Alana, I told yo' ass that I didn't want you coming over here. What makes you thin I change my mind?" Adonis aruged, choking back a sob.

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