grown woman

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"Why you letting them think for you?
When you're a grown ass woman"

al. 💫

I folded the last bit of clothing, placing them neatly in a drawer before closing it. I hummed quietly while the television volume played lowly in my close surroundings. I heard my phone buzz as I cocked my eyebrow in suspicion before getting up and grabbing my phone. I received a message from Nala to check the news as I soon nodded my head. I turned up the volume once I turned to the right channel.

The new reporter explained a recent arrest of a young male of his early 20's for 2 counts of drug trafficking and possession . I gasped loudly as soon as I seen Adonis' mugshot pop up on my screen. I hurriedly grabbed my phone and called the first number that came to mind. The phone ring multiple times as I bit my nails out of a nervous habit.


"Why are ya' yelling, damn?" My mother's accent followed through my ears as I sighed in little relief.

"Mum, Adonis just got arrested," I explained, plopping down on my plush bed.

"Alana, I'm not surprised, and I'm not saying this to make ya' feelings become putty. I'm being serious, Lan'. He's always been a troublemaka', and even after high school. Adonis has done a lot, and I've been trying to keep ya' outta of the things he does for a living."

"I know, I've been told that many times," I mumbled, crossing my arms while draining out the sound of my mother's voice scowling me.

I felt my phone vibrate against my skin as I pulled it away to look at the number. I told my mother I had someone else on the line, as she told me that she would come visit later and she loves me. I mumbled back a "I love you too" before switching the calls. I murmured out a hello, as Adonis voice rung through my ears.

"Alana!" He said frantically.

"Yes, Adonis?"

"You gotta bail me out. I'm sorry, and you were right about me running back to that drugs and violence bullshit. I should've listened to you when I started doing this. Please you gotta' help me," Adonis pleaded as I shook my head with a sigh.

"Adonis, I can't keep helping you out if you're going to go back to the same things you kept doing. This is your second time, and I seriously think it's time for you to learn from your consequences,"

"Baby, please. Don't let me sit in this fucking place. I need you, baby," I could hear his abrasive coughs to shadow his sniffling on the other side of the phone and I shook my head.

"You did this to yourself, baby. Also I don't have money to be bailing you out all of the time. I barely even have enough to pay for my tuition for my dance school."

"Since you're always fucking complaining about how you're going to get money, you fucking stand on the fucking corner and get some," He exclaimed as my eyes widen.

"Are you calling me a fucking prostitute?"

"Exactly. You know that you fucking like that shit anyways."

"You know what, Adonis," I squinted my eyes, balling my fist up.

"What, bitch?"

"I've had up to my forehead with your shit. I'm done with your crack headed ass. I've been through too much with you, but I stayed because your sorry ass can't stay out of jail or stop smoking and throwing parties. Your only source of income is selling drugs, and I quite fancied the day you ended up in jail because you fucking deserve it. You beat me to the pulp for nothing then use me for some easy pussy. You can rot in jail for all I care, and once you leave jail. Don't fucking call me or text me. I'll pack all your shit and send it to your mother's house because I'm fucking through."

"You can't break up with me. You're useless without me, you know that. I'm the only one who's wants your sorry ass anyways."

"We'll see about that, Treyshawn," And with those words, I hung up my phone and threw it in the bed.

I could feel the air being released from my nose heavily as I paced around my room angrily. My blood boil in my skin as I yelled out, punching the wall vigorously, feeling pain shoot through my hand. I manage to cause a hole, my fist coming in contact with hard concrete. I pulled away to see my hand bleeding heavy and skin being punctured. I beyond furious to care about my hands as I shrugged my shoulders, still trying to control my anger.

I went in the bathroom, grabbed a towel and ran some cold water. I wrapped my hand around with the wet towel, hissing in pain as I shook my head multiple times. I heard a knock on my door as I rolled my eyes, skipping down the stairs while holding my hands. I loosen the grip on the towel, saying," I don't want any fucking-"

I glanced up to see worried eyes covered in a familiar pair of beige glasses. Ashton stood in front of me with his hair pulled back in a headband, his eyes shining delicately under the light above me. I slowly let my eyes travel down his body as he was wearing his signature white tee and pair of black sweatpants while a pair of black slippers covered his feet. I sighed, wanting to slam the door on his face. He was the last person I wanted to see at this time of night.

"What do you want?" I mumbled out, walking away from the door.

"I heard you yell from my bedroom window, and I came to find out if everything's okay," I turned around once I heard the door close slowly.

"Do I look okay?" My eyes came in contact with his with an angry expression.

"To be totally honest with you, it looks like you've had a long stressful day. It's okay, sweetheart-"

"No, Ashton. I don't wan' to hear your fucking "sweetheart" bullshit. You're not about to fucking come in my house, tell me not to worry and that everything's okay, and sweet talk me with those eyes when you haven't talked to me in a whole week. So where the fuck have you been?" I stood in front of him, pointing my unbroken finger at his chest.

"Leigh-Anne was in town for a week because she got a couple days off from classes that she was able to catch up online. Why are you so worried about me if you have a whole boyfriend?" He implied with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Leigh-Anne this, Leigh-Anne that. Just whatever, Ashton. You can leave."

"I'm not leaving till you tell me what happened to your hand," His gentle touch caressing my blood-stained hand. He soon removed the towel from my hand as I felt my teeth grit and my eyes screw shut.

"I punched the wall, and ended up breaking my hand," I chuckled drily, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"C'mon we can to go to the hospital and you could explain what happened. Also, congratulations on the dance school. On my down time from my girlfriend, I was thinking about how successful you were going to be with dancing and I just smiled at the thought," He gazed down at me with my broken hand being cradle in his two hands.

"Fuck you," I muttered undeneath my breath while rolling my eyes, closing the door and locking the bottom lock.

(updated) a/n: so Treyshawn is Adonis, boom we've broke the million dollar code. Hello, and welcome back to another segment I like to call What is (because we out here learning). I wanted Alana to kinda seem like an asshole to Ashton in this part because of his whatevers. I honestly dont remember. Alana hit the wall pretty damn hard because her hand is like ew broken. She's mad at Ashton even though she shouldn't be, but she is. Ashton wants to be nice to her and help her out because it seems like she's in a pretty tight spot. You know, Ashton being Ashton. Anyways, check you guys out later.

Love and Kisses,

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