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"Cause you know that only you girl
That can light up my world."


I sat in front of a canvas that used to be filled with nothing, picking at the threads on my socks and not allowing myself to be fulfilling to the actual muse that stood in front of me every single day of the week. My mind wander beyond the ends of the earth, which seems almost impractical to many and somewhat achievable to others. I was considered the others, seeing that my very own muse wasn't the woman I was falling in love with. It was the women that created a deeper perspective, more thorough than before.

I gazed upon the enlarged space I consider my canvas with an enlighten smile from the heavens above. Months piled on months as I couldn't bring myself to finish the canvas that sat in this very own room. I felt as if I was detached from the work, detached from the stimulating tingle in my heart for creation. This was what I've forgotten behind through the tougher times.

I scraped my hands against the rough material of my jeans. I allowed my eyes to shut for moments, shaking my head in the process. I could feel it in my heart, knowing that this would be another one of my canvas that would've melted in fragments of nothingness. A smile appeared on my face, the pulling of my skin making my cheeks red. I celebrated silently to myself, standing from the paint covered sheet that I placed on the ground every time I placed myself in front of this large canvas.

I took several steps from the canvas, folding my arms over my chest in accomplishment and a snarky smirk on my face. I dusted off my hand, turning around and headed up to the main area of my home. I could hear my phone vibrating and ringing through the silent home, the quietness overwhelming the area drastically due to the fact that she hasn't been here in quite some time.

I sighed lowly, picking up my phone from the end table near my blacken red leather sofas. I balanced my phone between the space of my shoulder and ear, already hearing the glorious giggle from the most delightful, delicate, but daring women that I've met in all of my years of standing on this giant cerulean planet. I couldn't imagine continuing my own day without thinking about her curly brown hair that swings down her back or when she tosses it over her shoulder when she dances. I couldn't imagine life without her daring smile she gives me whenever she practices a couple of dance moves in front of me and she wants me to focus on her and her only.

Oh, the things I would do if she was standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes at the my thoughts, rearranging a couple of paintings that were hanging on the wall as I waited for Alana to speak.

"Sorry, Ashton. My cousin was explaining this thing that happened to her and she had to break it down. You know how cousins are, always trying to tell you something with codes and stuff like that," Alana spoked breathlessly from her giggling fest on the other side of the phone.

"You're fine, it's okay. I wasn't expecting you to be calling me at this moment. You texted me saying that you were ending your day by going to the beach before you had to come back to your hotel."

"Technically, I already went earlier today. It's getting a little dark outside so I decided to come inside and my cousin just so happened to see me on my way back to my hotel room. But I haven't really spoke to you recently," She implied, I could tell by the way she was talking that her lower lip was trapped between her pearly whites and her hands tracing her leg tattoos.

"I know, how long as it been since I've seen those dazzling auburn eyes of yours?" I chuckled lightly, gazing upon a recent painting of my own with my arms still folded over my chest.

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