west district

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"I don't only want that shit tonight, I want that shit forever
You can make the story better, make it last forever"


I stepped out of my home, feeling the duffle bag slipping off my shoulder as I scrambled with my keys. I found the key, locking the door before walking over to my car. I texted Alana asking if she would be ready anytime soon as she sent me a thumbs up emoji. I quirked my eyebrows before looking up and seeing her standing in front of her door, locking it.

I engulfed her appearance, rubbing my hands together to create some warmth due to the cool weather outside and the lack of heat in my car. Alana strolled down the sidewalk, her hips swaying just a little as my eyes followed the pattern of her sway. The pair of regular blue jeans curved her body in the right ways as the normal white shoes covered her small feet. I could see that she decorated her splints on her fingers. The grey jacket with the hood in front of her instead of the back seem larger on her body.

Alana stepped on the passenger side, opening the door and sliding in slowly. She placed her bag in the back seat before placing her seat belt. I gave her a look of reassurance as she nodded her head quickly. Her body was turned towards the window, gazing at the beautiful scenery of the evening. I sighed lowly, knowing that I would have to spark up somewhat of a conversation. The drive was slow and steady, the sunset becoming evident as we drove into it, metaphorically.

Her breathing patterns and the low roar of the car was the only thing heard throughout the environment around us. I pulled my sleeves up, feeling the hairs tug at my sweater. I winced slightly, gazing over to Alana who's eyes were already locked on mine. I gave her a small grin, feeling the atmosphere becoming very tense and awkward.



"If you invited me to sit in this car for this goddamn long and not say anything to me than you've got the situation all the way fucked up. I still didn't forget your little stunt with your "girlfriend"," Alana said, her soft spoken voice being the only thing audible in the surroundings while air quoting her words.

"Is that something you really want to talk about?" I questioned as she shook her head, turning her body towards me. "I thought we could be something, not something like messing around each other but something important. Ever since I laid eyes on you that night when you were covered in the black dress that showed that glowing skin under such little light made me rethink every little choice I ever made. Leigh-Anne is pretty, but you're alluring. I feel like you're a siren, and I'm a lost man at sea. Every little thing is pulling me closer to the final day of my death."

"So you're thinking that I'm alluring but I'm pulling you into death?"

"Metaphorically, yes but I don't actually mean that you're trying to kill me. It's the way you carry yourself as a woman and the way you act whenever it comes to a serious conversation. You know to how to communicate when it comes to arguments instead of yelling, screaming, and pleading."

"Because when you get in the argument, and all you or the other person do is screaming and hollering about the same thing isn't going to get you anywhere. Sometimes, thinking pass go isn't as hard as many people suspect it to be, Ashton."

"I know Alana, but still. We haven't really talked about what we are or what we could be. All we've been doing is sneaking around and being mutual support when it comes to the friend part of what the Hell you want to call this. What are we going to do if someone finds out about us doing what we're doing?" I rested my hand on her hand, glancing at her for a quick second.

I could hear Alana muttered things underneath her breath as I quirked my eyebrows up. "I couldn't hear you."

"Ashton, I know you love Leigh-Anne like a fat kid loves doughnuts, but it's not worth it anymore. She's been getting herself around town, fucking around with guys and getting high. I seen her a couple of days ago when she was at lunch with some guy. They were mostly indulging in conversation, but the way she interacted wasn't right. My friend even told me that's she seen her and another guy at the grocery store high as shit," I shook my head, feeling my chest become tighten with anger.

"Don't you think I know that? Don't you think she's put me through enough shit? I love her and that's why I'm trying to keep this afloat while not trying to mess up what we have. She's already assuming I'm not acting myself and I need to stop seeing you because you're a bitch."

"I'M A BITCH!? She has no room to talk, Ashton. She thinks just because she gets paid more than I do for selling drugs and giving head doesn't mean she's better then me. She's been taking hot dogs to the forehead since she's been in college, paying that tuition but yet I'm the bitch. You know what Ashton, pull over," Alana stated, shaking her head and grabbing her things.

"Wait, why?"

"Because I'm not about to sit here and let you talk about how you're trying to work on your relationship with her, and all she wanna do is smoke and have sex with random guys. She's going to lose everything she has if she keeps this act up. A loving boyfriend and a nice home to come home too. See I don't have that shit, she has it but- you know what I'm not about to explain myself."

I pulled over, stopping the engine before glancing over to her as Alana grabbed her bag. I could feel my eyes lower to my hand, twiddling my fingers as she mumbled incoherence. I heard the door open as I tried to reach out for her, but Alana pushed my hand away from her wrist.

"Alana, just let me explain myself, okay?" I heard the door slam shut. She began to walk down the empty road, the moon being the only source of light besides the distant street lights. I turned the engine back on, driving slowly to catch up with her. I rolled down the window as I tried to catch her attention.

"Alana, let's just talk about it," I stated as she ignored me. "Please, Lanai. Let me just have a couple of words. I won't hold up your time if you don't want to talk to me anymore," She finally stopped walking, turning her head. Alana threw her bag in the back seat and leaned against the passenger door.

"Go ahead, you now have my attention."

"Can you at least get in the car? This might take some time," The door opened slightly as she huffed lowly, running her fingers through her freshly straighten hair.

"Alana, you're beautiful and I know I'm not the guy who makes you happy. I know I can't be the guy who mends all your pieces back together. I just want you to forgive me for my actions, and forgive me for my selfish ways while not believing that my own girlfriend was cheating on me for so long. Ever since you came around, I've really opened my eyes to different perspectives especially yours. I love Leigh-Anne, my first true love but I see something different with you. It's like when I gaze into your eyes, I feel some type of shift. I just don't know how to experience any other love then the one I had with Leigh-Anne."

"So you're telling me that you've been scared to love anyone else because you're basically scared of a little shift of change?" I nodded my head sadly, resting my forehead on the steering wheel. "Well, Ashton. You're one crazy guy, I swear. You're everything a girl could want and more, and it's okay for you if you tried to save your relationship. Leigh-Anne is a heavy load, but you seem like the guy that doesn't need one."

"So you're saying I need you?" I lifted my head, quirking my eyebrow.

"Never said that but if you wanna' say it like that then sure."

"You know Alana, you're the most mesmerizing woman I've ever came in contact with. I want you to be my muse, and I want to love on you until you can't stand to see me anymore," I caressed her cheeks softly as she leaned into my touch. Those large bambi eyes gazed up at me with a hint of light shining upon them.

"You drive me up walls with your words, I must say," Alana giggled as I smiled, leaning down kiss her hand and intertwine our fingers. I turned my head towards her, as she rested her head against the headrest.

a/n: this song was perfect for this chapter, ugh I'm such a lucky gal I swear. Hey, congrats you made it to another chapter of this book. Alana and Ashton talked this shit out so what happens next. Where's Leigh-Anne and what is Adonis doing at the moment? Welp, those are questions that can't be answered at this moment (or any moment, whoops). Talk to you guys, soon.

Love and Kisses,

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