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"I got two beautiful women arguing over me"

al. 💫

I paced around my dance room, from time to time doing an open turn. I continued to think about a solo dance that were required for every dance in my lecture class for an assessment grade for the semester. I bopped my head back and forth to the songs that were playing through my speaker. I barely paid much attention to the playlist of songs, just waiting for one to catch my attention to improv.

I sighed lowly before shrugging my shoulders and turning the speaker off. I couldn't spark up any inspiration as I decided to head downstairs to my kitchen to grab a drink. I could hear kids playing in the leaves outside on the street, their little giggles erupting through the air and through my window. I shook my head with a small smile spreading across my face. I received a bottle of water from the fridge, grabbing my phone from the kitchen island and heading to the living room. I plopped down on the couch, still feeling the tightness of my ballet shoes on my feet.

I flicked through the channels to mostly see upcoming parades and other things that had to do with getting the local town into the newly holiday spirit. I hummed in delight, curling my legs underneath my body and decided to watch some random show about aliens.

I was engulfed by the television that I didn't hear the knock on my door. The knocking became more of a banging as I furrowed my brows up. I placed my water bottle down on my sofa, removing myself from my comfortable spot to look out my window. I seen two tall male figures, one of a lighter tone and another one an unusual familiar face. I seen Leigh-Anne standing at my door with a blue pull over and a pair of darken jeans.

I placed my hand behind my back to see if this was one of my leotards with the hole in the back from my last incident with Adonis. To my luck, it was and I smiled at that. I grabbed the small pocket butterfly knife from the kitchen drawer and slipped it into the hole. I grabbed one of my jackets that were hanging by the door, sliding it on my arms and opening the door.

"Alana," Leigh-Anne's voice rung through my ears terribly as I rubbed them subsequently.

"Yes, may I help you?"

"I mean, you possibly can. Just depends on how good you're planning on corporate with a fellow friends of mine."

"Two random guys that look like they carry guns on their waist," Both of the men lifted up their shirts, showing the guns as I nodded my head at their simplicity. "I knew that, and is that you Dev?"

"Sure is, honey bun."

"You look different. A lot stronger, I must say. I see you're going for the whole bad guy kind of look with the tattoos on the face and the guns on your hips. It fits you," I placed on a half hearted smile.

"I do these things to impress you, sweet lady," Dev sent a wink towards my direction as I felt my stomach churn weirdly.

"We don't have time for you to try and sweeten her up. Ashton will home pretty soon from selling his paintings and I wanna' get her finished off before he comes here," Leigh-Anne butted, turning her direction from Dev back to me.

"What do you specifically want from me? You heard I've been dating Ashton? Dev, I know you heard about Donis being jail. I don't even know who you are," I stated before pointing at the lighter toned guy with the statue face. He just chuckled and brushed off the comment.

"That's exactly what I heard, and I want you to stop dating him. That's mine."

"So we're playing the ownership game, eh? You and Adonis are practically the same. Playing the fucking ownership game like we're some kinda of animals. Grow the fuck up."

"You act as if you can give him the entire fucking world and his problems will be fucking solved. I dealt with every little tear he shed, every little problem he had, and every little situation he was in. You can't replace me."

"Well Beyoncé, I wasn't really trying too. I'm not trying to replace anybody. I'm just filing in the gaps that you left open. You might've done something, but there's a lot more to Ashton then you think."

"How would you know, you fucking slut?"

"Hold on there," I held my hands in defense," Let's not start with the name calling. I'm not the one who let the whole team smash so you can pay your college tuition."

"At least I wasn't being a leech and sucking Adonis dick for money to pay off for your college bullshit."

"First off, he offered to pay for my shit. I bet half of the guys you blew didn't even know your name, but you must been doing a good job if they stayed around to help you come here and harass me. "

Leigh-Anne smacked her teeth, crossing her arms and starting to place all of her balance on one foot. "I'm not harassing you. I just don't want you with Ashton. He deserves better than you."

"Like he's just going to get the fuck up out of his bed one morning and say he's going to break up with me and go back to you. You treated him like pure shit," I exclaimed, closing my door and stepping outside.

"I didn't treat him like anything. He was just too needy and clingy all the damn time. That shit gets annoying fast."

"Yeah like your fucking ugly ass personality. You're a piece of shit and you didn't deserve a person like him. How do you come to someone's house, demanding them to break up with your ex and then tell them that your ex is needy and clingy and annoying? Leigh-Anne, how much fucking sense do you fucking make?" I narrow my eyes while pointing at her with every statement.

"Don't fucking shove your finger in my face," Leigh-Anne says, shoving my body and making me stumble backwards against my door. "I may say he's needy and clingy and that was annoying, but you won't ever understand what kind of love I had for that man," She said, applying all of her body weight against my own as I held against the door.

"What kind of love did you have then? Let's chat about it over a cup of fucking tea," I spoke through gritted teeth as her arm was shoved against my neck.

"You won't understand. You never experience real love with that psycho drug dealer you used to call a boyfriend. Ashton was the first man to tell me that he was in love me, not my appearance but my personality and my well being. He told me he liked the way I presented myself to a large crowd. I shielded him from hurt that he received because of his ways. You won't understand that. You weren't his muse and his happiness."

"Yeah, I'm not definitely wouldn't understand that from the girl who cheated on him-"

A car screeching against my driveway pavement, dragging all of our attention to the sound. I seen Ashton jump out of the car with a frantic look on his face. I could see the deepen colors that were hidden beneath those brown eyes, and he seemed to be worried. A large red and black flannel stopped right at his calves while he wore a pair of black jeans and his famous brown moccasins.

"Leigh-Anne, what are you doing?" Ashton asks with worry in his eyes.

"I'm taking you back from this woman. She doesn't deserve you, Fletch. Have you seen what kind of trouble she could get you in? She has no good intentions for herself and I won't let her love consume you. I'm here for you, okay?"


"Leigh-Anne, just let me go. I don't want anymore problems, honestly," I barely spoke while trying to catch my breath , wanting to create a diversion while sliding the knife from the hole of my leotard.

"Shut up, bitch. You did this."

"Leigh-Anne, please just don't hurt her," I could only feel my eyelids fluttering and my grip becoming lose around the knife. I caught the sight of tears streaming down his face and his lips pouted slightly.

a/n: so y'all know that song right? Probably not, so lemme explain. Welcome back, thanks for coming back. This chapter is in two parts, Problems and Selfless (which is the next one). It's part of one of his songs that I adore a lot so yeahhhh. I thought the whole "imma kill you because of the relationship" thing was over but I guess the fuck not. I mean we got Leigh-Anne coming back and trying to kill Alana but Ashton caught her ass red handed. Until the next chapter.

Love and Kisses,

partynextdoor // a.i حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن