wait for you

42 6 1

"Swear the prettiest things are hardest to find."


I slipped through the door of the my childhood home, the slight humming of the birds from the window and the wind nipping at the skin on my cheeks. I rubbed my hands together, picking up my suitcase from the ground, so the rolling of the wheels wouldn't cause a distraction just in case my siblings were home.

I tip toed up the stairs, following the similar pattern towards my room. I pushed open the darken gray door, and a hush of wind entered through the window as the goosebumps filled my skin. I tossed the suitcase on the the bed before plopping down on to the queen size bed that was covered with my favorite duvet. I inhaled deeply, smiling weakly as the plane ride and the drive to this wholesome home drained the energy from my veins. I laid back against the soft duvet, placing my hands over my eyes.

I didn't feel as if I fell asleep with my hands over my eyes until the sunrise begin to brink through my light shade of curtains. I groaned lowly, raising a brow in questioning when I didn't hear any disagreements or even subtle conversation in the morning like I used too. I scratched at the mop of sandy blonde hair on my head, confused on the quiet matter in my home.

I removed my outer garments, tossing them on the floor. I grinned lightly, reminding myself of back when I was a teenager and constantly throwing my clothes on the floor after a long day. I kicked off my boots, still scratching at my head when I traveled back down the stairs. I heard whispering from the dining room as I peeked through the opening to see just see my mother sitting at the dining table with her phone in one hand. My brows were raised higher in confusion.

"Ashton, you're awake. Good morning, honey," Her voice soft and subtle in the cold air.

"Good morning. Where's Lauren and Harry??"

"It's one of the weekends where they spend time with their father. I forgot to tell you that. I'm sorry, honey," I drastically rolled my eyes at the all of the sudden comment.

"Its alright, no need to apologize."

I strolled around the kitchen, picking up fruits from the bowls around the room and placing them in an even larger bowl for breakfast. My mother cocked a brow towards my direction as I shooed it off with a sly smile and a shrug of my shoulders. I could see her toss her hair off her shoulder, turning the page of the newspaper and continuing her conversation. I slid myself into a tall wooden chair adjacent from where she was sitting.

I munched quietly on my breakfast, awaiting for her to finish the conversation on her phone so I could start this long awaited one. I began to feel myself slip into my own thoughts until her farewells to the other person caught my attention. The placing of her phone on the table caught my attention. My mother placed her hands underneath her chin, signaling me to start talking.

"I know this seems a little out of hand because I just flew over here for something that seems small."

"Well it can't be small if you took a plane to come and tell me something that you couldn't tell me over the phone, Ashton. What's going on? I haven't spoken to you or have a decent conversation with you in quite some time."

"You remember Leigh-Anne, mum?" I lowered my head, tracing my finger along the rim of the bowl.

"Of course, sweetheart. I love Leigh-Anne. She's a wonderful girl, isn't she?"

"Yeah, she actually was," I muttered to myself, taking a large bite into the redden apple.

"What do you mean? What happened, Ashton? Why am I so behind in these things, Ashton? You told me if you were to move far away-"

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