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"You'd kill a bitch for me and blame it on love
You would kill yourself, O.D. and blame it on love"


I felt my lips tremble as Alana was held against her house door by Leigh-Anne's forearm. Two male figures were standing in the driveway by an all black car, but they soon scurried away once they realize Leigh-Anne's plan failed miserably. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my flannel, feeling the tears fall my face.

"Leigh-Anne, please don't hurt her," I spoke, voice beginning to crack underneath the amount of pressure being placed on me as Alana's eyes were fluttering open and close.

"Why shouldn't I hurt this son of a bitch? All she has brought to us is pain and suffering. You couldn't even look me in the eyes because of-because of her," I could her voice shook violently as she released her forearm from Alana's throat. Alana dropped to the ground, and held the base of throat with the palm of her hands.

"She showed me something you've never showed me before," I explained, Leigh-Anne's back still turned towards me.

The sniffling from her nose was light as she shook her head repeatedly with her hands clenched into fist. I wouldn't dare move one step towards her as I knew about her short temper and ticking time bomb reflexes. I gazed down at Alana to see her slightly swollen lips as she just gave me a small look of discouragement.

"Leigh-Anne. I loved you with everything I had. I gave you my all and you threw it away. I never knew what you were doing on that campus, and I never knew what kinds of trouble you were getting yourself into. I wanted you to stop, so we could be together for as long as we live. You didn't want an eternal relationship, you wanted someone to pity you and help supply for you. I could barely supply myself when I'm supplying for you. Every time I was getting paid for my paintings I sold ever since I've been with you was given to you instead of me keeping it. "

"Ashton, don't try to pin this all on me. You decided to make that mistake on your own. You wanted to help, so I allowed you to."

"Because I cared. No matter what you did to me, I cared," I held out my hands, seeing them shake underneath so much stress.

"Ashton," Alana says breathlessly," Why? I wasn't prepared for two killings in a matter of a month."

"Alana, now isn't the time. Leigh-Anne, what were you telling those guys about me, huh?"

Leigh-Anne sighed deeply. Alana cough repeatedly, holding her small brown hand against her clothed chest. I seen Leigh-Anne's head hanging lowly with her back towards me as I heard a small sigh from her lips.

"I was telling them you were a painter who polished their nails beige or white and spent countless hours on henna on their hand. I also said that you were more up to date with your plants then your own girlfriend," Leigh-Anne muttered, letting her left hand form a tight fist.

"Leigh, I can't believe you. You weren't supposed to tell people that I was doing those things. Do you know how that shatters my image? Yeah, I know painters should be delicate and dainty, but I'm still a guy. I have feelings and I have a low self esteem. I let down every wall for you. This is how you repay me, huh?" The tears streamed down my face, my hands shaking so hastily that shoving them into my pockets were making the situation worse.

My thoughts were jumbled up as I couldn't form any word towards her. Alana still had her hand over her chest, her breathing settling quickly. I could see the look in her eyes as Leigh-Anne's head still hung low. The look in Alana's eyes made my sadden expression turn quickly into a confused manner. Before I process anything, I felt my feet move immediately between the two women, placing one hand around Leigh-Anne's wrist and the other wrapped around Alana's hip. I could see from my peripheral two shapes objects, one being multicolored butterfly knife and glittered down to the handle and the other being a solid sliver traditional knife with a matching sliver handle.

"You were planning on killing her?" I whispered, my lips only being inches away from Leigh-Anne's pouted redden lips and two knives practically centimeters from my neck. Her expression harden as her lips formed a thin line before shaking her head casually.

"She's standing between us, Ashton. She's not what-"

"I may not be the one in your eyes, but at least I didn't use him for his valuable earned money. I worked hard for my own," Alana implied, as I felt her body being pushed against my own and her weapon coming closer to Leigh-Anne.

"You still had Adonis, and he gave you everything you wanted but you weren't satisfied. All you wanted to do is shove your mouth all over Ashton's-"

"Listen," I spoke unrelenting, my eyes shutting as I lowered my head," I'm not allowing this go on anymore. I've never had two women fight over me, and it's not a happy experience. Leigh-Anne, stop being selfish and thinking that I want you. I can't help myself but think that I do because our time together were absolutely stunning, and I loved that. I just can't keep going with you if you're going to allow these men to come into your life and just fuck up your reputation."

I turned my head towards Alana, projecting my voice and saying," And Alana, you don't have to fight my battles. I hold my own, I may seem easy to step on, but I got this. I don't want you having altercations with her anymore."

"I'd kill her if you weren't standing in front of me," Leigh-Anne muttered.

"And what problems would that solve? You'll kill someone simply and blame on the fact that you love me and you want to cherish more time with me. That's absolutely ridiculous, Leigh. I've been doing some many selfless things for you and this is what I get back in return. I thought I knew my little Leigh a lot better but I don't."


"Leigh, I think it's time for you to go now. I can't process this situation anymore. I don't want to see you around her anymore. You know where you belong now and I hope the best comes in the future. Just know, there'll always be just a little spot on my heart where I still share love for you."

Leigh-Anne took several steps back before nodding her head and shoving her hands into her pants pocket and strolling away. I gazed back to see Alana's hand resting on my waist and her head rested against my shoulder blade. I shook my head before rubbing her hip slowly and noticed Leigh-Anne enter an black car and driving off into the main roadway.

"How are you feeling?" I spoke softly, still hearing her heavy breathing.

"Never thought almost being chocked the death would bring so much attention to the things around you. Thank you, Ashton and I'm sorry if I felt as if you couldn't hold your own and you needed protection from people," Alana responded with the flipping of her knife.

I chuckled lightly," You're not the only one who knows a little bit of combat."

(Updated) a/n: BOOM! Part two is up now, and daaaamnnnn Ashton told these women straight up. I wanted to make this scene a little more tense so why not place knives in it at random. This story is already fucking, lets go all the fucking way. Im weird sorry y'all. I made Ashton seem like somewhat of a sweetheart who didn't know how to stand up for himself in the beginning of the story for a reason. We kinda got some character build here. You know, Ashton is learning how not take any shit from anyone, and learn how to speak up for himself. Character build like I said. I hope you guys are enjoying this story because I am. I'm having so much fun writing this. See you lovelies in the next chapter though.

Love and Kisses,

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