Prologue- Her Birth

Start from the beginning

Midori's eyes open wide. The girl being forcefully dragged is Reira Hanadagi, the only daughter ever born to the Hanadagi family and the youngest after all her seven brothers.

The moment the youngest pureblood was thrown towards Rido's feet Midori got a hint of her future. She just stood in her spot and watched with those helpless eyes as the Hanadagi girl cried for her brother's to take her with them. But that night her screams feel into deaf ears, neither one of her brother turn their head back, there is no point, they already sold her to Rido Kuran. And from here forth there was no turning back for her either. Her fate has been sealed.

Rido's body disintegrates into hundreds of bats and disappears along with the girl and tears already start to stream down Midori's eyes knowing what is about to happen and within the next few seconds a maid appears by her side to inform her.

"Kuran-sama expects you to return to Shiki-manor tonight."

Of course he does, and Midori was not even surprised. After all the man is very predictable!


After that night every time Rido wanted to meet her he made a visit to the Shiki mansion himself. He stopped calling Midori to the Kuran estate that belonged to him. That place was now for his new lover Reira.

Words have started to spread around the vampire council and it reached Midori's ear through her uncle who is a member there that Rido might tie the knots with Reira Hanadagi. And no one had any problem with it since she was a pureblood to begin with.

Almost a year passed by and Rido stopped visiting her less and less increasing Midori's paranoia more and more. She started to worry if Rido has fallen in love with the young pureblood? Chances are always there and this high level of stress took a toll on her. It slowly started to affect her sanity. Day by day her sanity started to become more evident. As a result of this people were generally afraid to work with her and it wasn't long before her carrier as a movie star started to go down the slope.


No news of Rido's marriage came however a piece disturbing news sure did reach Midori's ear.

"Reira-sama is expecting!" Her uncle was the one to bring the news to her.

Midori lost it all hearing it the supposed good news. She screamed in frustration and cried at the top of her lungs. Threw everything all over the room shattering them to pieces! Her little boy Senri looked at her through the crack open of the door. She saw him watching her too but did not care. Instead become angrier. She was about to attack him when her uncle took control of the situation by putting her under isolation.

However this bad news also brought some good effect. Rido started to pay her more visit. His duration of stay started to become longer. Once again hope grew inside of her. One night she brought Sneri to introduce him to his father but Rido was not at all interested in seeing the boy. He demanded for him to be taken away. His words were harsh but his message was loud and clear to her.

"I need no son nor do I need a family with you. It is only Juuri who should provide me with such. I'm simply here for a delicious meal and a delightful fuck!" With those words he sunk his ferocious fangs into her neck shattering all of Midori's hope of them together ever having a family.


The next four years of Midori's life passed faster than she expected. She was so occupied in Rido arms that she even missed her son's growing up. She missed his first word, his first step, the time he first started to walk. Almost everything! She could not be there for her son's beginning.

Then on a bright sunny morning her uncle woke her up to give the news.

"We have been invited."

"Invited where?" She couldn't help but ask but after all this September was odd month to invitation to soiree unless some special occasion.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now