Gabriel hung up before Roman could say anything else. Roman put his phone down then looked at the girl curled up on him. Her head rested in the crock of his neck, her arms hugging his torso and her leg over his one leg as she wore a smile on her face.

What the fučk is she dreaming about that's got her smiling like this?


A gush of crisp cool air made all the hairs on her skin rise as her eyes shot open. She was wide awake feeling the air blow all over her body.

"Get up." She heard his demanding tone making her grumble.

Eleanor was no early Bird nor was she a morning person so being woken up like this made her wish the day was over before it even began.

"I don't want too." She said pulling the covers back onto her body.

"Be ready in an hour not a minute late or there will be consequences of your actions." He spoke his voice sound more faint than booming like it normally was.

Eleanor peeked her head out the sheets to see the closet door left ajar. She got up to her feet and went over to the closet. She stood at the door watching him ramage through the dresses.

"What are you doing?" She asked him with a brows narrowed.

He didn't bother to answer her. He took out a black dress and black heels. He placed them on the couch before walking up to her.

She watched him as he looked down at her. His arms raised up and slowly began to pull off the blazer. Her breath hitched at his actions. She never dared to look down knowing her knees would become weak and make her tumble onto him. Once he had pulled it off his lips parted.

"Dont be late." He spoke before stepping around her and out her room.

Eleanor released a breath before she ran her hand though her hair. She let out another long breath as she made her way towards the bathroom to cleanse herself.

Once she had been dressed and ready to go she made her way downstairs to get something to eat. When she had gotten downstairs Roman walked out from the hall way meeting her at the bottom of the staircase like yesterday.

"Lets go." He stated walking towards the front door.

"But I'm hungry." She frowned.

"We're going to a meeting that will take place over breakfast." He informed.

"But why do I need to go I'm not even going to do anything."

"You said that yesterday but you shot someone."

"But that's different." She exclaimed.

"How exactly?" He asked.

"Because he was being sexist." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't have time for this..." He growled. "Lets go." He said once more before walking out without waiting for her to say anything else.

Eleanor huffed before walking out behind him. Just like before they had a driver to drive them but instead of a sleek black limo they had a white Range Rover with matt black rims. All in all it was a nice car.

"So what's with all these meetings?" She asked him.

"Thats none of your business all you have to do is keep your attitude under control." He instructed typing away on his phone.

Her eyes narrowed at him with a glare before she looked out the window and took in her surroundings. I surely don't have an attitude. She told herself with an eye roll.

Once they've arrived at the restaurant they both made their way inside. The restaurant was beautiful with an ocean view. When they were making their way towards the private part of the restaurant, she felt someone grab onto her arm making her spin around.

"Kyle!" She exclaimed looking at her friend. "What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"What are you doing here?" He pulled her into a hug. "I told you I'd be here with my grandma."

"Oh yeah right I totally forgot." She let out a small laugh.

"So how's your dad?"

"My dad?..." She asked unsure of his question.

"Yeah you left a note on your door and all telling me how you choose to help him." He briefly explained.

"Kyle I-"

"Is this little reunion over?" Roman cut her off.

Kyle raised a questioning brow looking at Roman then back at Eleanor.

"He knows my family in a way." The lie slipped out without a second thought.

"So you're related." Both his brows raised now.

"No." Roman answered. "We have to get going." He said pulling her arm.

"Ok I'll talk to you later Elley." Kyle waved as he watched her being dragged away.

"Ok bye." She quickly replied briefly glancing over shoulder to look at him.

Roman pulled he into the private room and closed the door behind them. The moment he turned around he was pinned to the wall by an enraged Eleanor.

"What did you tell Kyle?!" She demanded.

Roman briefly glanced over her shoulder before sighing. "I told him you were taking care of your dad. What's the big deal?" He asked her trying to pry her hands that gripped onto his blazer and a bit of his shirt.

"What's the big deal?!" She yelled. "The big deal is I've never talked to my dads ever since I last saw them and the last thing I'd do is help any off them!" She yelled.

"Let go off my clothes." He stated calmly. "And everything will be fine."

"Nothing is fine!" She snapped at him. "You can't just go around saying whatever you think is ok whenever you feel because its not! You just like to make my life a living hell at every chance, don't you?!" She yelled.

Now Roman spun around and pinned her to the wall with a stern look on his face.

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