Chapter 9

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You know when you get stung by an insect and, when the first pain of the sting is gone, there is this heartbeat that resides inside; reminding you that you were just stabbed. That is how River was feeling about being called the sister of the man she was in love with. Ana and Ana were both still watching the cars circle around the track. She already had her fix of the view, actually, she wasn't registering anything she was seeing. She was burning on the inside with how stupid she is for having feelings for Ryan. Obviously, she's not able to tell the difference between romantic, and brotherly ones. She needed to get a grip of herself and her emotions, and how else better to get rid of them, than to rub her nose in how in love he is with his fiancée. "Umm.." She swallows any hesitation."Landen told me, this is where you and Ryan met."

"Actually, yeah," Ana seemed surprised but also to get comfortable. "Right over there." She points to a spot high up in the stands that weren't too far away from where they were. "It's actually a funny story."

"Tell it to me." River hoped she didn't sound too desperate.

"Well, um...Ryan was standing over there, in the last row leaning up against the wall, and I was standing right there by the door." She points out two spots that were approximately fifteen to twenty feet away from each other. "And," she continues. "There was this couple sitting there in between us in that seat making out." She points to another spot. "I mean, they were going to vomit if their tongues were any deeper." She makes a revolting expression. "Anyway, I noticed him looking at the couple the same way I was but, I didn't think anything of it. Two weeks later, Landen won third place in the finals. And we always throw a massive party for the winners. So, midway through the evening, I was running around like a chicken without a head; trying to make sure the night continued to go smoothly when I noticed him waiting in an odd place. He wasn't partying with one of the winners; his brother. He was standing between a set of glass automatic-sliding-doors near the entrance of the building. I must have walked by him three times before he said 'Excuse me'. Our eyes connected a few times that day so I assumed that he was going to hit on me. He walked towards me and I got so nervous that  I blurted out 'I'm asexual.' " She laughs subtly.

"What's that?" River had to interrupt the story.

"By definition, it's a person who has no sexual feelings, or desires but, it's different for everyone. Some people like kissing, but don't like sex, some people like sex, but not kissing; which is the situation for Ryan and me."

"Ryan is asexual?" River was astonished.

"You know, I don't think anyone has ever asked me about this story. I should have thought before I said anything." Ana regretfully bows her head.

  "I won't say a word. I promise." River reassures her.

"Thank you."

"So what happened after that?"

"Well, since you know already'; and to make a long story short, he wanted to know when the party would be over." She rolls her eyes in amusement. "I felt like an idiot. Anyway, he did the same thing you just did. He asked me what asexual was, and I told him, and he opened up to me about feeling some of the same ways I did." She shrugs like that's it.

"And here you guys are now?" River asks.

"Yeah," Ana admits breezily and glances down at her engagement ring. "Who knew, you could find the perfect person. We just clicked, and we understood each other, and; there are no hurt feelings."

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