Chapter 3

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River is stuck, stuck between the door, and the rooftop. She didn't know if it was fear of being so high or the yucky feeling she gets when she looks at Ryan and Anastasia, she just froze.

After taking a different elevator up the rest of the way, they finally made it to the rooftop. Its a dark, cloud-free, cool night. The party had already begun. Music and loud chatter wisped through the air. The guest had arrived and was standing around.

The Brenner family weren't the best dancers. No one danced, except a few of Fredrick's sisters. Four of them, in their late forties, early fifties. At every single event River's been too, they take over the dance floor. Not that anyone else wanted to dance. She wondered for a second if that was still happening.

"Come here River," Lucille calls from the direction of the couple of honor's table, where Angela was sitting near her husband. Where ever Angela is, her mother is too. They're almost inseparable. Normally, River wouldn't care but, it's not helping her right now. She doesn't want to be around Ryan too much, and he is one of the people standing near his mother, and of course with his fiancé at his side.

Her stomach churned. "Coming." She takes the step over.

"Congratulations." She walks around the table and gives Fredrick a hug. She had already given her aunt an awkward congratulation in the elevator.

"Thank you, Sweetheart." He stays sitting and hugs her back. "Are you alright?"

She nods "I'm fine. Thankfully Ryan was there."

"Good, I'm glad."

"Hello everyone." River hears a warm male's voice directly behind her, and she knew exactly who he is.

"Where have you two been?" Angela questions.

"We got held up." He replies.

River turns around and connects eyes with Landen. He resembles his brother. Same honey brown eyes, and dark head of hair. He was well built, clean-shaven, tall, and always wore a devilish smile. She didn't remember him being this handsome or having his forearms covered in tattoos. He wore a black dress shirt and had the sleeves folded up so she could see the details of either a snake or a dragon.

"Hi River." His voice was like a humming. Soft and dangerous.

"Landen." She blinks a few times to get adjusted to the sight of him.

He reaches out and pulls her into a hug. "You haven't grown." He jokes.

"Yeah not much." She agrees.

"Not at all." He takes a good look at her. "I heard you've been back for a few weeks now. He waves his brows in an accusatory way.

"So why haven't you come to see me?" She turns it back on him.

"I could ask you the same thing. You know I moved out."

"Are you still working for your dad's company?" She changes the subject. The Brenner's Owned a multimillion-dollar Real-estate empire. Landen's face is on billboards all around."

"Yeah, pays the bills, make my own schedule, inherit some shares; the face of the company; why would I leave?"

"I don't know, I remember you telling me before about having other plans."

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