Chapter 4

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River was really upset about losing her earring, but she tried not to let it bring her down. She takes off the other side, sticks it in her pocket, and for a split second, could see her sister's smiling face while she put them on each day before work.

Zoe was a shift manager at a fast-food restaurant around the time of her death. She didn't have much and couldn't afford to give much, but what she did have, she treasured it. She would be so disappointed. She taught River almost everything she knows and wanted the best for her. All through her high school years, she dreamed about getting to go to college but never got a chance to. She would always tell River that if it was in her power, she would make sure she got to go. Having a sister nine years older was like having a second mom, but one that isn't so concerned about bedtimes, or homework. She misses Zoe almost to the point of pain. She wipes away a lone tear that streamed down her cheek.

"You okay?" Zackary notices her sadness and touches her shoulder.

"Yeah." She musters her best smile. "I'm okay"

"Ladies and gentlemen." The music shuts off, and Landen's voice appears over the speakers. He was standing on the dance floor with a microphone near his lips. "On this beautiful, cloud-free night, under the stars, and the crescent moon, we want Mr. and Mrs. Brenner, AKA my parents, to please make their way to the dancefloor."

Everyone claps as the happy couple walks into the spotlight. Twenty years of marriage isn't capable of stopping Angela from blushing when her husband encircles her and gazes down into her eyes lovingly.

"Doesn't it make you so happy to see your parents so in love." Real love is a novelty in River's eyes. She rarely has ever gotten to see it.

"No. I just ate. It makes me wanna vomit." Zack pushes his plate away.

She giggles. "Come on, it's sweet."

"How would you feel watching your parents like this?" Zack slips.

She tries to keep her smile on, but it slowly fades. "I wish that I would have seen that more often."

"I'm so sorry River." He apologizes. "I'm such an idiot." I forget. Even with Ryan, I forget all time, that he's my half-brother, and his dad is a wife-beating jackass who deserves to die in prison, and then rot in hell."

"No, it's okay."' She looks away and focuses on Angela and Fredrick's lovingness towards one another. At least she gets to witness what love is through them. They technically are like her second set of parents.

Later, it was cake cutting and picture time. She was placed to stand in between her mom and aunt and made to stare at the photographer.

"Smile River." Lucille orders.

At this point, all she wants to do is go home, but she has to be grateful for all of this. If it wasn't for Angela, she didn't know what would have happened to her and her mother. They would literally have only each other in the world. Angela took them in and made them not just family but, close family, immediate family. That's something she had to be grateful for.

Feeling like someone was watching her suddenly, she glances to the left and finds Landen's smiling eyes aimed her way.

Landen is sitting amongst a group of men in the bar area. He wasn't having a conversation with anyone, he actually got stuck there. As he scanned the room, he caught his brother's eyes transfixed toward River, and for a little longer than he should. Ryan stood in his usual stance. Hands in pocket, nothing on his face, and if Anastasia wasn't by his side, he was alone. Miss Everything-Disgusts-Me probably went home to go pee, and there Ryan is, seeming like he is completely focused on another woman.

He didn't know what to make of it. His brother would never be looking at another woman in a sexual way when he has Anastasia. There's no way it would even cross his righteous brother's mind to look, let alone lust.

Ryan's never been in another relationship other than with Anastasia. When she came into their lives two years ago, it shocked everyone. He never even spoke about girls. Then, one day Landen overheard him telling their mother that Anastasia was the one. He knows Ryan. He didn't make rash decisions or say things he didn't mean, but the way he was watching River, he had to wonder if there was something more with her.

When they were younger, and River moved into the guest house, their house became divided. It was Ryan and River, against Zack and Landen, in an all-out prank war. Well, River mostly played defense, and Ryan became her protector. He never let them win. If they got River, he would retaliate. He didn't get involved otherwise. It was the most fun he has ever had with his big brother. Now he is wondering if it was always more than making things even.

Landen's glare follows River and her mother to the bathroom. It struck him momentarily to check on his brother. Was he watching River too? He decides to look back, and Yep, he was watching.

He scratches his head. There can't be anything more. His brother is just too good for that. It was too difficult to believe, and impossible-seeming. He looks down at the glass of rum. Did he have too much?

River washes her hands and looks at herself in the large mirror. She blows out a long breath and decides, she has been strong enough for today. "Mom, I think I'm going to go home early."

"Why?" Lucille asks from a stall.

"Nothing, I don't like being up this high, and, I'm getting tired."

"Do you have your pepper spray?"


Lucille flushes the toilet, comes out of the stall, and washes her hands. After drying them, she searches her daughter's sad features worriedly. "My baby." She moves hair from her face and curls it behind her ear. "You're sad."

"I'm fine mom."

"You love him."

River lets go of another breath and look down at the sink. "It will get easier."

"I'm so sorry my baby." Lucille sobs. "I should have told you. I don't know what I was thinking. I was trying to protect you. I'm so stupid."

"Mom." River grabs her mom's shoulders. "Don't freak out. I'm okay." She pulls her mom into a hug. "I'm okay, and I'm happy, and I have a great career, and I'm young. I have my whole life ahead of me. She lifts her head and smiles her best fake smile. "Let's go."

When they opened the bathroom door, Landen was waiting for her. He was leaning up against a brick wall directly across. "Hello, Miss Redford. You look stunning tonight." He covers his heart.

"Hi, Landen." She half blushes and shakes her head.

"Can I borrow River for a second?"

"Sure." Lucille pulls River into another hug. "Call me when you get home."


Hope you're enjoying 😊

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