Chapter-10 : Getting Over It

ابدأ من البداية


She looked at me but her vision was blank.

"I have to go now. I promise,I'll come back to you as soon as I can. Aunties will be here with you,okay?"

She said nothing. Her eyes are completely dried as stone as if it was out of water.

I hugged her tight and caressed her head. "I swear I'll return soon. If I can, I'll come every week to see you ma."I murmured to her ear.

Then kissing on her forehead I said, "You know you have to eat well,right? So please don't be stubborn and take care of yourself,ok?? Promise me."

She nodded like an obedient child. I hid my sigh and came out. Everyone in the house has got my orders of taking care of her. So I don't have to worry. But it's pricking me like hell to leave her in this state. I'm not being a good son to her.

I was flooded with questions when I got back to my hall. I had no temper to answer them. Hence I went to bed ignoring literally everyone. I am fucking tired of this world!

Shayba's P.O.V.

"Hey! You heard anything about Zawad bhai?"

I looked up to the questioner and found Tonima.


"He's acting weird. He was totally missing for about ten days and even though he is back now,he doesn't talk to anyone! Can you believe this?" she exclaimed.

"Huh? That's strange."

"Yes!!!"her eyes dilated. "I wonder what happened to him. Where did he go in these 10 days? Why doesn't he talk about anything to anyone now? What do you think?"

"Well how am I supposed to know?"

"I'm seriously worried about him." she replied,as if her life depends on the answers. Fool. Does he even look at you that you are thinking about him all the day? Well I don't have any time to solve his mystery.

I went to the office room to submit all the assignments of my group. When I was returning I remembered that I forgot to bring some files from the study corner. Damn! It is already evening. I headed again to the office and entered the study room. The lights were off already as there was no one there.

I went to the switch board to turn the lights on and suddenly a deep voice spoke behind me,"What are you doing here?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"my heart almost came out of my chest and I screamed bloody murder.

"What the heck!!! Shut up!"he said stretching his hand towards me. Ya Allah help me! I ducked to save myself from his touch and found with my surprise that this guy just turned the switch on behind me and did nothing distorted.

I glanced up with horror to see his face. Oh! It's Zawad bhai! A long sigh left out of my chest. Thanks to Allah, it wasn't any pervert after all. "Shouldn't this be my question? What are YOU doing here? And that too with the lights off?"I yelled him.

Ignoring my question, he moved to the window. I asked again with a smirk,"I heard you were missing,huh? What did you do all this time? You know all the girls in the varsity are acting like widows without you. Don't you feel bad about that?"I ask sardonically.

He didn't bother to reply to my question. Rather he looked out very far through the window as if lost in really important thoughts. I waited for his answer for a while and then feeling stupid, concentrated on my work. Why did I even think that I would get an answer? From my first day experience, I should have known that he is a jerk.Who cares if you don't talk,huh? You think I am dying for that?

"Can you tell me something soothing?" he suddenly looked back at me.


"Like... like something peaceful.. that will blow all my griefs away."

"What on earth made you feel so pathetic that you stop talking and eating and leading a normal life? And just sit in the varsity office room in a really odd time with all the lights off? Have you gone mad?" I frowned.

He sighed, without giving any reply. This time I got anxious over his behavior. Something terrible has definitely happened. He never acts this way.

So I asked him again,with more consciousness "Zawad bhai,what's the matter? You can tell me if something is bothering you. I won't tell anyone."

He glanced at me like a kid and asked, "Really? You won't tell anyone?"

What the heck has happened to him? He is totally changed!

"Yeah, definitely if you want it that way! Tell me. What is it?Why are you suddenly secluding yourself from everyone?"

He sighed again. Geez! This guy!
When I was almost exhausted waiting for an answer, he finally spoke. It would be better to say, he whispered to himself gazing down,"Dad is dead."


Suddenly I couldn't find my words. Ya Allah... Did I hear him right? What should I say to sympathize him?

"Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun....."I prayed. "I'm sorry.. I... I didn't understand.... I really had no idea about this matter, Zawad bhai."

"It's ok. Why are you being sorry?"he replied without looking at me.

Suddenly I felt so guilty and pity on him that I couldn't say anything. Allah! Why did I tease him about being missing? I shouldn't have bothered him at all.

So it was complete silence in the room. I finally gained the courage to say,"Zawad bhai, don't break down so easily. You know, death is a must for all... You have to be strong for your mom and siblings,right?"

"I am the only child."

"Oh! Then.... Your mom must have been totally alone,right? You can't let yourself get shattered no matter what. You know Allah says,"Indeed with every hardship,there is relief." You have to remember that."

He looked at me with confusion in his eyes which turned into vexation soon. "How can you even say that? You don't know what hardship I'm going through... My dad died, my mom almost became a living corpse, all my dreams shattered into pieces and I know what responsibility I am going to take soon will bring anything except relief to me! And you're saying these weird verses to console me which doesn't have any logic??? Only if you were in my place, then you would understand that life is not a joke! You can't just believe anything without any reason and just advise others to believe in that too!!! You understand what I said???" his voice raised upon me.

This brought tears to my eyes. I tried in vain to keep my cool but replied in an oscillating voice, "How can you talk like that about Quran??? You have to keep faith in Allah. I don't just believe in Him without any reason.... He is the only reason I live for! He never rejected my prayers! Rather He has always blessed me with something better! What you are saying is wrong! Allah never burdens a soul beyond what it can bear! You're the one who is seeing it the wrong way! " I almost shouted and two drops of tear escaped my eyes and rolled down across my cheek. I quickly glanced at the other side and wiped it off. I don't want to look pitiful in front of him.

He was surprised at my behavior and told nothing except staring at me. I took my files and got out of the room without looking back.

I quickly set footsteps in the darkness of night thinking about all he said. How can a Muslim talk like that about Quran? His every word stabbed in my heart and I cried like a little kid all the way to my hall.

He is wrong! He is definitely wrong! One death cannot be blamed for changing one's belief! He must be guided to the right way.... He is acting like a frog in a dark well who is desperately in need of an upper hand to be led.

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