Chapter 49

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"Hi," I wave at the camera. "My name is Camden James." Uncle Geoff films me. He says he's gonna post it on his twitter account to help me find my daddy and make mama happy again. "I'm ten years old and I'm in the hospital right now, my mamas here too," I look around. "She had a stress induced heart attack. I'm in here because I had another seizure. I was a premature baby and I now suffer type one diabetes, and epilepsy. I don't need pity or anyone to feel bad for me though, all I want is help to find my daddy. I've never met him, but he makes my mama happy and I want my mama to be happy forever." I smile and uncle Geoff ends the video. "You think he'll see it?" I give him the big dough eyes.

"I know he will." He smiles while Finnegan walks over. That's my cousin, uncle Geoff's son.

"Hi CJ," he smiles giving me a wave. I wave back and smile.

"Hi Finn," I hold onto the bear next to me. Kids tease me, I bring this little bear everywhere with me. Mama says that when I was really little daddy sent me the bear, he wrote a note too. It says the bear is perfect for cuddles and it'll keep me safe when it's dark out and I get scared. Even when I'm not scared I hold onto my bear, its special to me. My daddy gave it to me.

"Are you ok?" He hops onto the bed next to me.

"Yeah, I just wanna get out of here." I groan exaggeratedly and fall back against the bed. "The food here is terrible." I chuckle at him and he laughs as well.

"My mom says when you get out we'll all have a barbecue with real food." he reassures but in a teasing way.

"Finnegan be nice," uncle Geoff warns and I shrug.

"It's ok, he's just teasing and I started it anyways," mamas bed gets wheeled in and she lays asleep with some weird tube things in her nose. I used to have those, I used to have to have them all of the time.

"Come on Finn, your moms waiting," he lies bringing him out of the room.

"Mama?" I look over at her, she doesn't answer. "Mama?" I look around and hop off of my bed holding my IV pole.

"Hi baby," she says quietly.

"Hi mama," I smile snuggling against her.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your own bed?" She kisses my cheek.

"You looked sad and lonely so I came here." I give her a small smile.

"Thank you for thinking about me." She moves back a little to give me some space.

"Oh," I gasp a little looking at the teddy bear I always keep. "Here mama." I hand it to her she looks slightly confused.

"Baby this is your bear?" She hands it back.

"I know how much you miss daddy, and you're sad now so here." I smile at it and then her. "Now you can be happy again," I giggle a little.

"Come here," she gives me a tight squeeze, as tight as she can give me really. "Thank you," she plants a long kiss on my forehead.

"Mom," Angelina knocks at the door. "What are you doing you little bugger?" She shakes her head at me. "The nurses are gonna get mad." She shakes her head.

"But I'm making mama happy," I shake my head back at her and she chuckles.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing?" She looks at mama kinda nervously.

"I'm fine Angie, look at what Camden James gave me?" She smiles holding the bear up.

"His bear?" She gasps.

"He told me he wants me to be happy." He nods at the stuffed animal.

"You know what could make mama really happy?" I gasp moving closer to her and looking between Angelina and the empty space on the bed.

"Won't I get in trouble?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"No one can yell at you but me." Mama gives her a small and moves over a little more while Angelina lays down. Tears fall down mamas cheeks. "I love you both so much." She smiles kissing my cheek and Angie's forehead.

"We love you too mom," Angie says before I can.

"Lots and lots," she looks at Angelina.

"I'm so sorry," she keeps crying and Angie grabs her hand. "I probably did drive him away, you have to believe that I didn't mean to and that I never wanted to loose him." She holds onto her hand. "And you," she looks at me. "I'm sorry you'll never meet your daddy. He loved you lots, I'm sure he still does." She reassures. "But he will never love me again,"

"There's always hope mom," Angie reassures.

"If daddy does come back it means he does really love you, it just took him some time to figure out that he did."

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