Chapter 14

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"What else do you need?" I smile at Angelina.

"I need a hug," she sniffs. "A big hug," she gives me a pout batting her long eyelashes. Angie has to go into open heart surgery in a few minutes.

I nod giving in to her request and hugging her tightly. She sighs against my shoulder hugging me back. "Why isn't daddy here?" She pouts at me. "I want a big daddy hug," she huffs looking around.

"I know baby, I know you do." I give her cheek a kiss. "I promise when you get out and you're ready to see us again I'll have daddy here, and if I can't get daddy then you're getting a really big teddy bear." I smile at her while she nods.

"Deal," she gives me a smile making me laugh. I'm the last one for her to visit she's gone through everyone else who'd just tell her good luck and the usual sappy speech. But then she arrived at me and asked me for about a bajillion things but I don't mind. I gave her, her slippers and some colouring and her favourite blanket and everything else she wanted too. "Goodbye everybody," mom lifts her up giving her a hug. A tight hug as the nurse calls her name.

"Can I walk with her, I wanna meet the surgeon?" Mom holds onto the little girl who wear an awkward hospital gown.

"Sure," she nods leading them away. She waves at us and we wave back until she's out of view.

"Who's calling dad?" Mercy turns around looking at us.

"I'll do it, I promised her dad or a big teddy bear so," I shrug a little sailing his number and walking to a more secluded area.

"Hey it's Shawn! Sorry I couldn't take your call just leave a message after the beep." The voicemail rang through my ears. I sigh trying again, and again, until finally he answers. "Kaiden I'm working," he growls slightly seeming quite angry. "What could possibly be so important?"

I let out a small sigh at his response. "Angie," I explain sadly, all that's audible from his end is a scoff.

"That's it? I have work to do more important things than this!" He groans as if I were just waisting his time.

"You do really? Fine I'll let mom sue you then!" I yell into the phone.

"Why would your mom sue me?" He scoffs again mumbling something to the other people with him.

"Because thanks to your new wife Angie's in open heart surgery right now, and mom wants to sue her, we wouldn't let her but I guess because you can't find the decency to show up to your daughters surgery." He cuts me off.

"She's not my daughter," he growls.

"Well she's more a part of this family then you are!" And with that I hang up and block his number. I don't have the time to deal with him, he's probably just mad that I called him at work so many times but he had no right to say what he did about Angie.

"We could hear you yelling," Mercy whispers to me with a small sigh. "What'd he say?"

"He said he was working, and that he didn't care, that Angelina isn't really his daughter, and then I hung up." I explain walking towards the chairs where my grandparents sit. Only one set as usual, dads parents are always too embarrassed to come. Most of the reasons that were in here are him.

Mom and Justin seem to be getting closer and honestly I wouldn't mind if they ended up together. Justin loves us like we're his kids and he's always here for us. He just finished a tour and now he's here for the year he's taking off. He does that every time he's done with a tour so he has time to make new music and stuff for the public. "The surgeon seems good enough, he knows what he's doing but I still don't trust anyone with my daughter." She sits on Justin's lap.

"It'll be alright," he reassures tracing her arms.

"And I'm suing Shawn, I don't care anymore what she did to her was wrong and I have evidence of it." She growls trying to conceal her rage.

"Come on love, lets go get some coffee," she stands up first then it's Justin who leads her out mouthing a 'your welcome' in my direction. I just chuckle as they exit the room.

"Gran?" I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Yes Jericho?" She smiles and I chuckle.

"Kaiden," I trail on.

"Yes Kaiden?" She rolls her eyes a little bit.

"I called dad," she scoffs at the mention of him. "He's not gonna come, he told me that Angie isn't really his daughter so it doesn't matter," she gasps slightly.

"If I'm being honest, I never really liked the guy." She mumbles and I laugh a little.

"Right now I'm not his biggest fan either."

"He just keeps hurting your mother."

Moms kinda like dad, both of their moms are English but dads dad is Portuguese and moms dad is French. Moms fluent in French and she started learning Portuguese when her and dad started dating so she knows some of that. She also knows Korean and a little bit of Russian. Mom loves the different languages. She thinks their so beautiful so sometimes when dad was mad at her she used to tell him she loved him in every different way she knew.

"And he doesn't really think about it either," Jericho, Adam and Mercy sit on the other side talking and smiling while they waited for mom and Justin to come back.

"He might be a good person but I've never seen a good side of him." Gramps whispers. "All he's ever done with us is suck up," he rolls his eyes.

"Dad used to be a great person, and then Lauren showed up." I huff and    laugh a little.

"Well you know what?" Gran starts. "I think your mom is really happy with this Justin fellow and maybe, just maybe she can be happier with him then she was with your dad. He did abuse her after all," she shakes her head a little.

"He abused her?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"They didn't tell you," she looks down a little.

"No," I shake my head and sigh.

"I'm sorry, Kay I didn't mean," I shrug stopping her.

"It's ok, I would've found out at some point." Mom and Justin walk back in hand in hand making me smile a little while they give us each a drink of some sort.

"Matthews family," the nurse smiles. "She's out of surgery but won't be able to see anyone for about twenty four hours, I'd suggest you go home and get some rest and come back tomorrow," she smiles and nods. "I promise we'll be taking good care of her, we even have Sydney assigned to her recovery." Aunt Sydney is a doctor at this hospital. You can see moms relief.

"Alright, we'll be back early tomorrow," mom nods.

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