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- Jacksepticeye -

"Okay so from what I remember there is..." I tuned out Vanoss's voice, I had a vague idea of what route and plan they might do so I let my thoughts take over my brain.
I can't believe that all of this has happened tonight, its crazy.

My heart yearned for Mark, for his touch and his smile but the cold reality was that he died on this horrible night, in this filthy club surrounded by death.
I felt extra bad for the crew, there was so many of them that needed saving and several who got the worst of it, for gods sake Scotty even died! It will take a long time for them all to recover, mentally and physically.

The sheer anger that my brain was making me feel was enough for me to tune back into the plan and understand the majority of it.
"Okay boys, move it! We have family to save!" Vanoss whisper/shouted to us. I scuttled off with wildcat and Delirious as fast as possible, we had a time limit and it wasn't going to be very long.

- third -

The three hurried off in the opposite direction from Vanoss and Smitty, their plan was to attack from both sides but Vanoss saw many flaws in this plan. "We need more people" Smitty said slowly, a guilty look spreading across his face as he turned and looked Vanoss in the eyes. Although he wanted to protest, Vanoss knew he was right- they needed at least one more person to make the sides even and taking into account that Smitty wont be moving very fast.
"Look, I'll contact Mini okay? He's the only one left that can really help us, the other gangs who remain wouldn't care for our friends" Vanoss said darkly, he pressed his earpiece and spoke softly so he didn't alert the kidnapper.
Within seconds Mini Ladd's voice crackled through the earpiece
"I'll be there shortly" he said in a monotone, and at that moment Vanoss didn't even care that he was practically a robot- mini would help no matter what.

Mini carefully packed away his kit and pulled out his silenced pistol from the case, admiring it before pocketing the weapon and standing for the first time in two hours. He quietly took the case full of equipment back to the van and was generally surprised to see most of the gang in there, they all greeted him with smiles and told him to go kick ass and come back safely, with his condition at this point in time they were all cautious of what to say and do but now they had nothing to lose.
With smiles the injured half of the crew bid Mini farewell and good luck, Mini didn't have the heart to tell them what was going on- they'd probably accuse him of being delusional and pin it all on his 'malfunction' or whatever you wish to call it.
He slipped away from the van and hurried inside, whispering the directions to Vanoss's position as he twisted and turned through corners and up stairs.

"Hello" he said quietly, not one bit out of breath. Smitty jumped in fright, not expecting Mini to arrive so soon and abruptly- Vanoss chuckled quietly at Smitty's face while checking Mini over for any injuries, when he was satisfied that there wasnt any physical damage that he could see he gestured for Mini to take a peek around the corner to see what they were dealing with.
"You said there was one person? Why's there two?" Mini commented lowly, Vanoss tilted his head in confusion. "Yeah I did, there isn't two.. Is there?" He replied as more of a question before taking a look for himself and sure enough... there were now two people beside an unconscious Ryan.


Hey all!

So the results about my knee are back and it turns out I fractured the bottom of my thigh bone (Femur), there was/is a lot of bone bruising and fluid around that hence why it is still sore. So luckily I don't need surgery just a little more time to heal :)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was going to write more but realised it was Monday and didnt want to start something and have to stop bc of other things I'm doing today :/ so sorry that its a little short - I'll make sure the next chapter is a bit longer :)
I have syndisparklez and Brohm fanfics on the go so they may be published soon! Also if you could drop a question in the comments for my qna that would be great! I would upload a gaming vid on my youtube channel but I lost the audio last time I recorded and i've been finishing part of my graphics external over the past few days so I haven't really had the time :/
One will be up soon tho! I just thought a qna would be a good filler for the moment.

Stay frosty 👏🏼
- E

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