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- Jonathan -

I waited for Craig at the front gates, he was late for once which made me worried.. Call me paranoid or whatever but I really do care for him, i guess you could call it a crush but it would never work, and i don't EVER want to ruin the friendship that we have.
The bell rung, bringing me out of my thoughts and making me realise; Craig still wasn't here. I began to panic, he was never late and if he wasn't coming he would always text me... I started to run into the school building to tell the school office where i needed to go, lets hope nothing happened unlike last time...

- Tyler -

I ran into a nearly crying Delirious as i was heading to class, he was puffing from all the running and choking on tears as he went, "dude! Are you alright?" I asked while changing direction and jogging alongside the distressed teen, "no.. Craig... Not... Here..." He coughed out before pushing forward and sprinting down the corridor. I was definitely curious by now and ran after the disappearing body.

| time skip to Craig's street |

Jonathan hadn't talked to me the whole walk to Craig's, he seemed to be deep in thought and i didn't want to disturb him.. Especially after last night and him telling us about his knife collections.

A fairly normal, plain, two story house stood in front of Jonathan and I. The garden was slightly unkept and the fence was peeling but other than little impurities, it looked like a normal house.
Jonathan ran straight up to the door and pulled out a set of keys, he swiftly unlocked the door and let us into the house.
Too be honest, the inside was NOTHING like I expected... Maybe it was just the ransacked hallway and messy front rooms that made me uneasy, but i knew something wasn't right and it looked like Jonathan didn't want me here or to know what this mess was about.


- Jonathan -

Oh god.
No no no.
He did it again...

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