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- Tyler -

I received a text from Jonathan in the middle of Evan's 'speech', I was glad that he did because as much as I love a good speech, this was hella boring.
I looked around before opening the text, as I read through it my eyes widened in destress. I motioned to Evan that I had to go but he stopped me.
"Ah forgive me guys as I've been interrupted by someone wishing to leave, Wild why are you needing to go?" He questioned with a large smirk, I rolled my eyes and replied with "you mom called, she wants to fuck." The small group of my friends giggled and Evan just snorted, "whats the real reason Ty" I sighed in defeat;
"something happened to Craig."

- Jonathan -

Craig passed out at least half an hour ago and I was starting to worry. I contacted Tyler and Sean to come over and help me since we were his closest friends. As I waited for the two to arrive I carried Craig to my bed and laid him on the soft duvet, grabbing a towel and wetting it I placed it on his forehead and wrapped him in one of my spare blue hoodies.
I glanced at his phone and decided to unlock it, he got upset from something on his phone and it was probably that phone call that scared the shit out of me.
I checked the recent calls;

- Craig -

My eyes fluttered open and watched the dim light of Jonathan's lamp cast shadows around his room. I heard muffled voices coming from downstairs and it worried me slightly, who had he called?
The conversation I had with my mother ran through my head as I softly got out of his bed and padded across the room. I tiptoed down the hallway and stood just outside of the door to his living room.
"What happened exactly" said a voice that I recognised as Sean's, "I'm not sure what the call was about but I found him sitting down staring blankly at the wall before he started bawling his eyes out and then he just passed out" said Jonathan. "I wonder what she said" said.. Tyler?


I walked into the room, I didn't want to hear more of their conversation unless I was there with them. "Craig!" Exclaimed all three at once, I tried to smile but it came out as a grimace. Tyler was frowning at me, Sean looked like he was searching for answers and Jon? He looked relieved, sad and something else, something soft and memorising... Love?

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