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- Jonathan -

I was woken up at around 12pm by hysterical screaming, I rushed downstairs to see what was wrong while pulling on a white shirt to cover the fact that I just woke up. Tyler was sat on the floor of our hacking room with a bloody note in his grasp and tears pouring down his face. He took one look at me and burst out into a fresh round of tears, shielding his face from my view he held up the note for me to read.

"Dear Gang;
Your dear little Craig has been lets say... abducted, taken, kidnapped! Hes very close to us and terribly valuable in our quest, thankfully he had been watching us for a while now. He didnt tell you did he? We were his dirty little secret and he didn't even know who we are, when he sees us he will though ;)
Have fun finding him cuties xx
From Syndicate, CaptianSparklez and Co."

I gasped, those names! Those two were Craig's childhood bullies! I rushed to Vanoss's room and barged in, waking him up with my loud footsteps he groaned before sitting up slowly. He groggily asked what was wrong and I spilled the beans, by the end of my explanation he was fuming. We bustled downstairs and gathered everyone together in our dining room, Marcel was comforting Tyler while Ohm was checking the cameras. He called me over after a few minutes of our quiet chatter and showed me something I dreaded.
Ohm showed me tape recording from last night, Craig was seated at his favourite computer and watching the screen intently, suddenly two figures completely kitted up in black and dark green came into view, one purposely hit the side of a wall and Craig spun around in his chair to see what the sound was, only he was met with a baseball bat to the face. The second person grabbed his body and tied him up while the person with the bat came up to the camera and removed his mask. Tom Cassell or Syndicate as he's better known revealed his face to our own cameras he also had the damn nerve to wink before turning away and dragging Craig out with his buddy. I never wanted to kill some smurf looking twat more in my LIFE!

- Craig -

I groaned as a splitting headache hit me like a truck, more like a bat handled by some crazy man. I attempted to stand up but my body was too damaged to get terribly far, I resulted in looking briefly at my surroundings before going back to sleep since I was no use to someone if I was out cold.

Yelling and loud footsteps brought me out of a restless sleep, I kept my eyes closed and concentrated on listening to my captors. "He's grown up to be a strong man, give him that much" said a voice warily. "He's still pretty useless and only good at computers" spat the person who was pacing outside my room, "that can be hella helpful when you think about it Synd, stop bringing the past into this. He's lost a lot." Said the first voice again and right then and there I decided that I liked this person, they were standing up for me and telling the other man to move on which was brave considering the pacing man was a) angry and b) a killer.
"Okay sparkles, you win this time." The pacing stopped and my door unlocked, "I know you're awake Craig."

A/N- WHAT THE HELL GUYS, 10.4K?! YOU'RE ALL SO AMAZING! This is an outstanding number of people and I never thought this many people would read a shitty book written by a nobody in a small country. Comment if you want me to do a face reveal or answer questions as a celebration, idm ;)
love you all
- Em

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