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(A/n: sorry that i took like 4 chapters to write one school day 😂)

| A few days later |

- Craig -

I waved to Sean when i spotted him in the crowd of people, our school was definitely over populated.
I had been avoiding Jonathan and that group people for a while now, i was glad that i found Sean when i did. I really needed a break from them, even if one of them calls themselves my 'best-friend' i really didn't realize how shit he treated me i mean he was good to me for some things but other than that, he was hardly a best friend.

"hows my main bitch on this fine Monday morning?" Sean asked as he threw his arm around my shoulders, i grinned at him and said "pretty good, yourself?" He laughed before saying, "i'm great now that your here" i grinned at him, "shut up and lets get to class".


I could feel Jonathan's eyes burning into the back of my head, i dared to not look back just incase he caught me. Since i had been avoiding him he was always glaring at me, I'm not even sure why but it pissed him off that i was with Jackaboy all the time.

"Mr. Denis, instead of glaring daggers at someone would you please answer the question on the board" said our teacher, Mrs Heller. I turned to face Jonathan with raised eyebrows, I knew the answer but he always struggled with maths.. He looked at the board and then at me, his eyes were slightly pleading but still angry. I shook my head and turned back around, this time; he was on his own. thoughts crowded my head, i probably just blew my friendship with him but oh well. He wasn't being very nice anyway, aren't i aloud to have other friends? Jonathan stammered "i-i um don't know the answer", the class quietly giggled. Everyone knew he that didn't pay attention in class, this made me slightly sympathetic for my old best friend....

- Jonathan -

I cannot believe Craig did that, i was hurt and mad. The bell rang, signalling all the students that it was lunchtime and i decided to finally have a little chat with the infamous 'Mini Ladd'.

As the class shuffled out the small doorway i managed to grab onto Craig's bag and follow him out before yanking him back into my chest. He looked up at me, wide eyed and slightly shaky. "Hello Craig" i said mocking a sweet tone, he whimpered before nodding in acknowledgement "so why have you left me? And for Jack especially, the little brat" i spat out angrily. He shook but to my surprise, it wasn't because he was scared, it was out of anger.

"Sean is a nice boy, no one takes the time to be nice to him or talk to him and all they do is make up rumours. Some could be true but i'm not confirming anything, he treats me well. He's kind, caring and texts back really quick. Sean is a better friend than you've been already and I'm not regretting my decision to be his friend."

Craig was red after his little rant, i could see that he had more to say but held it in. "I never thought he was a bad guy, just the rumours always put images into peoples heads and all i saw was what the rumours suggested" i said quietly, he seemed to relax a little. "Sorry for blowing up at you" he said in a small voice, i laughed and said "sorry for ignoring you, i have been a shitty friend and im so sorry". He cracked a smile before turning around, "text me later okay? I've gotta go" he said as he walked away.

I chuckled and started walking in the opposite direction, I don't think either of us looked back. Not once.

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