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- Jack -

I was astounded, never in a million years did i think that Craig would cry. I knew he was quiet, didn't really have friends, had a strange past but i never thought he would cry... Like me.

- Craig -

I looked up, i had heard a small gasp and expected to see Jonathan but no, i saw a boy that i had heard of but hardly seen. His name was Sean; or as he was better known, Jack.

I hurriedly rubbed my eyes, mentally cursing at my red face and messy hair before standing up. Jack and i were roughly the same height, which was nice for a change. Everyone i knew personally were tall as fuck.

"Uhm, hi there I'm-" he started before i cut in, "Sean, yeah i know". He looked at me before a small smile appeared on his features, "well Craig, would you care to tell me whats wrong? I could do with a friend right now" he said looking slightly sad, something in my heart panged for the small Irishman, i nodded and started to walk around the empty hallways with Sean, my new friend.


I know that usually i dont let people in, but there's something different about Jack, he told me all about his situation and how Felix (pewdiepie) ditched him. I listened more carefully that i did when i was talking to Jon... And for once, i could talk about my situation.

"Would you like to become better friends? I mean we just met and all, but your a really cool dood and i feel like i can trust you" he said as the bell rung, i hurriedly agreed and gave him my number, "text me when you get to class okay? I don't really let people in Jack, but your different" i said happily before rushing off to the last class of the day; Geography.


From: Unknown
Hi, is this Craig?

To: Unknown
Yeah, Jack is this you?

From: Unknown

To: Unknown
Hold up, imma just change your contact

From: Unknown
Make my name '💚 Jackaboy 💚' okay?

To: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Done ahah

From: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Woooh! I changed yours too aha

To: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Yayy, what class are you in?

From: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Science -.- you?

To: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Geography ahah

From: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Ahh fun ;) do you wanna hang after school?

To: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Um maybe? I might have plans with someone else but i'd rather hang with you to be honest...

from: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Ooh Craig you lil rebel ;D i dont really mind, but it would be cool if you could

To: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Yeahhhhh i will :D i'll ditch the other dude, he can wait

From: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Lol, i gtg the teach is tellin me off for texting ahah meet at my locker?

To: 💚 Jackaboy 💚
Ahah shame, will do! C'ya soon Jack


I felt slightly bad about the situation i was in, ditching Tyler for Jack... But Tyler was a popular and i dunno, he saw me at one of my worser times and he's not even classed as a proper friend to me! Jack on the other hand found me at a worser time, comforted me and became my friend in less than two hours! I think i know where I'm going tonight...

Tyler had texted me to meet at his car, so after the bell rang i rushed to his car and wrote out a note saying;


I feel bad for doing this but i have been invited out to a friends place tonight and i would prefer to do this as soon as possible. Me doing this has nothing to do with you and i would still like to hangout, but tonight is now unavailable.


I then stuck the note to the drivers window with some tape and rushed off to meet Jack at his locker.

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