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- 3rd -

Tom lead Craig up to his real gangs front door. Tom was nervous because he knew they would want to kill him, but it wasn't his choice to change Craig.
He knocked once, twice, three times until the door opened and Evan was stood in the door frame, his face went from shocked to angered in a split second and he pulled the pair inside.
Craig looked around briefly before starring at the ground while Evan called the rest of the gang into the room.
Tyler and Jonathan didn't know what to think, it had been three months. Three months was to long.
"Syndicate, explain everything please" Evan said gruffly, Tom's eyes filled with tears but he began to tell the story anyway.
"I was told to take Craig, my boss knew that I had connections with him as a child and thought I hated him or something. It killed me to do so but I did it otherwise my boss would kill everyone I loved. So we took Craig that night and took him to our safe place where we then performed the ABM.1 experiment which turned out successful-"
"Excuse me but whats the ABM.1 experiment?" Asked Ohm, Tom looked at him guiltily. "ABM stands for Alter to Body and Mind. And the .1 is the number of testings, in this case Craig was number one." Tom said shakily, as the information sunk in the group became restless and angered.
"Carry on" growled Tyler.
"So as I said, it was successful. We had managed to alter him. Now he doesn't feel anything inflicted on his body such as pain and his mind doesn't process things the same. He doesn't think like a human anymore, his thoughts are trapped so right now instead of speaking his mind he's thinking all of it, wanting to say it really badly but its blocked off. He cannot speak from his original thoughts anymore"

The gang stood there stunned, Craig had been changed and they couldn't do anything about it.
"Can we save him? Can we help him break the seals?!" Jonathan said desperately, "the only thing I know of is a whole heap of love and care. At our place he was only taught of food, fight and fitness. No emotions were introduced to him apart from me talking to him." Tom said sadly, the group looked at each other before nodding.
"Craig Thompson, we will do anything and everything we can to fix you!" They all shouted together before group hugging him.
The first friendly contact Craig had experienced in three months and his thoughts were screaming with joy. A small part of the seal had already been cracked.

Ily all of you
- E xx

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