Chapter 15

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I took in a deep breath and knocked on the black door. I waited a moment, listening to hear if anyone said a rejection to my invitation. I heard nothing so I slowly turned the door knob. I hesitated once more and finally pushed in the door.

I was slightly stunned at the sight. It was a room filled with girls around my age and older. And they were all different ethnicities and body types, but they all had the tight black dress on. I guess that was the signature attire of the Wives.

My eyes scanned the room once more to find Negan talking to a blonde girl. The girl looked petrified but willing to listen to his orders. I froze at the tension that their interactions were making.

Negan sat in front of the girl took her hands into his. He watched as she strayed away from eye contact. "Amber, baby. You know that I don't want anyone here that doesn't wanna be here, right?"

The girl nodded with a quiet hum, notifying that she understood.

"Uh huh... so if you wanna leave and go back to Mark, you can. But what can't you do?" He asked, his sadistic yet serious tone coming out.

The girl looked up at Negan and hesitated before she responded. "Cheat on you-"

"That is exactly right," he said in an aggressive manner as he cut her off. "You. Can't. Cheat on me," his hard stare softened a bit. "There are plenty of other gals that would love to take your place and there's a few job openings that I can think of. You wanna go back to Mark and your mom? Hell, I'll even put you all on the same job."

"No. No I'll stay," she said, her voice cracking. "I'm-I'm sorry," she bowed her head in guilt but Negan lifted it up with his gloved hand.

"You know what that means, right?" He said in a soft whisper but it quickly turned aggressive when he had to repeat himself.

"Y-Yes Negan. I love you," she stammered out as tears rolled down her face.

I could only watch in shock as Negan tore this poor girl down with only words. He had so much control over these that it was terrifying. He knew their weak spots and he played it against them.

"Oh of course you do darling. I don't know why your crying, it's all gonna work out easiest for you." He let out a slight chuckle as he glanced over at me. I quickly shut my jaw, noticing the lust in his eyes. He looked back at Amber and kissed her forehead before getting up from his position.

He slowly made his way over to me with his cocky strut. I was still shocked from the interaction that I had witnessed. I stared at the girl as her fellow wives comforted her.

"Lily," Negan began as he set a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for bringing my food up here. I am almost done so take a seat where ever you want."

I slowly looked away and sat down on an empty leather couch. I sat rigidly with the tray in my lap. I watched as Negan walked over to another wife, Sherry.

They were too far away for me to understand what they were saying but she was very pissed off.  She threw harsh glares and hard stares his way, but it did nothing to Negan. He just smirked back and flirted away.

I focused on trying to read their lips until I finally heard Negan again. "But the messed up thing is, you like me anyway. You know the truth, just like me," he says, stepping closer to her. He leans down for a kiss and she meets him halfway.

I watch in jealousy and rage. This man is taking advantage of her, and she likes it. She thinks he's an asshole but she still gives into him.

Suddenly Dwight walked in with a very pissed off expression, but it didn't last long. He looked at Sherry and Negan and the look of devastation flooded over him. I watched as he clenched his jaw and bowed his head.

I could tell this hurt him, a lot. Maybe it was because he was related to Sherry and he was disappointed in her. Or maybe they were together in the beginning.

Dwight cleared his throat, making me glance at Negan again. Negan held up a finger, signally Dwight to just wait a minute so he could stop eating Sherry's face.

"Lily has been waiting on you," Dwight spoke up. My eyes widened at the sudden confidence. I glanced back and forth between Dwight and Negan. Dwight glared in his way and Negan held a shit eating grin.

"Ah yes, Lily I'm sorry. You can just head back to my room and wait for me," he said while walking up to me. He pulled out his keys to his room, and leaned down close to my ear. "Don't you dare leave before I get there," he whispered, his warm breath hitting my neck, sending chills down my spine. He grasped my hand and put his keys in it. He held the embrace for a moment longer than normal and then made his way over to Dwight.

I took that as my que to leave. I quickly stood and rushed out of the room and made my way to his. I fumbled with the keys and noticed how shaky my hands were.

My heart was racing and it wasn't from climbing the stairs. It was from Negan's alcohol scented breath and intense stares. I couldn't get over him. He was being an asshole to others... and I liked it.

{ Writer blocks suck }

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