chapter 3

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"Welcome to the sanctuary," he announced to me. The gates slowly rolled open. Inch by inch I could see more and more of the concrete jungle. There we a couple towers surrounding the main large building. Since it was the middle if the night there was no one out except for some guards and the dead.

Negan roughly set me down, but held on to me until I got my balance. Once I did he started off in front of me, showing me the way. As we walked past the guards, they all knelt down and bowed their heads as if Negan was their majesty. Maybe he was the top dog here.

"Hey Fat Joey, make sure all those gates fucking secured and locked this time. Or else it'll be your last day seeing sunlight," Negan ordered over his shoulder. His threat sent shivers down my spine. 'Your last day seeing sunlight', he wouldn't kill him for that would he?! Surely there would be some type of punishment but not death, right? Maybe that just meant that he would sit in a cell for a few days. I hope.

Negan walked into the building first, not even holding the door for me. Wow. Rude.

We walked straight into what looked like a cafeteria. Everything a was dull gray color. The rusted bench tables with chipped paint looked unstable. I felt like if I sat on it, the bench would collapse under my light weight.

On the other side of the room there were some tan and brown clothes hanging on a clothes line. As I looked closer I could see people sleeping in cots behind them. Is this a big community?

As we walked down a maze of corridors, Negan stopped at a light blue gray door with a red first aid sticker on it. He knocked loudly on the door, surely waking up every person in the whole building. "Jameson, fucking hurry up," he ordered in a sigh. A muffled response came from behind the door before it opened. A man about my height stepped out while rubbing the sleep out if his eyes.

"Yes sir?" He asked in a scratchy voice. It was very obvious that the man had just been asleep and Negan gave him a rude awakening.

"I need you to check her for a concussion. She's also got a messed up leg that made her slow as shit," he said, swinging an arm in my direction. I furrowed my eyebrows at Negan but the man just nodded. He gestured for us to sit on a cot that had a pillow and a blanket stacked on it perfectly. I sat down close to the pillow while Negan sprawled out on the other end without a care in the world. I couldn't but help the fact that his jacket had ridden up his waist a bit, revealing a tucked in white shirt.

"So... whats your name?" The man named Jameson asked me. Before I could come up with a response, Negan answered for me.

"She hit the back of her head pretty hard on a tree. Get on with it," Negan said while rolling his eyes.

Jameson pursed his lips and walked over to a wardrobe. It had a whole bunch if medical supplies in it from what I could see. After a moment he had gathered what he needed and locked the wardrobe back up.

He came back over with a flashlight and instructed me on what to do. As he flashed it in my eyes, seeing if they were dilating he asked me a series of questions, in which I nodded to all of them. They were all on the ranges of side affects of a concussion.

"So Negan, she did black out for a moment correct?" Negan glanced away with a nod. His eyes showed a bit of guilt in them, which was a surprise from what I've gathered so far. "Well, you do indeed have a concussion. Try to stay up as long as possible. And here drink this," he says grabbing a half filled water bottle off of a table near what I assumed was his bed.

I was shocked, this guy actually cared a bit. Everyone else seemed to have a stone cold heart if they even had one.

I practically ripped off the lid and chugged the water. While doing so I noticed that Negan was watching me. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I slowly finished the last drop. Without acknowledging Negan, I handed the bottle back to Jameson and nodded in appreciation.

"Now for your leg, I need you to bend it for me." I looked over to Negan to find him still intently watching me. My lips pursed up and I shook my head at Jameson. "So you can't bend it... I'm sorry if this hurts," he mentions before he pulls up my ripped jeans. I hadn't looked at it before now, and I'm glad I didn't. There was a large gash in my shin and my knee was a dark purple color. "That's not good," he admitted.

I took in a deep breath and collected myself. Other people's blood? I'm fine. My own? Oh no honey.

Jameson went back over to the cabinet and wrapped up my shin. For my knee, he gave me a hot and cold pack to make it stop swelling. "I don't think anything is broken but her leg is definitely damaged," Jameson explained to Negan.

"No shit. Are we done here?" Negan asked with a huff. Jameson nodded and Negan stood up.

"Alright, let's get on with this shit show. Jameson, you'll be receiving extra points for your kind act," Negan announced as he started for the door. I carefully stood up and continued after Negan.

"Thank you sir," Jameson said, following us out. I looked back at him and he gave me an emotionless smile that was only expressed through his eyes. I bowed my head once again as I followed Negan. He led me down a few stairs and into a darker corridor. He stopped and grabbed some keys. He then walked over and unlocked a door which led to a room full of cells. Are you fucking serious? He built a prison in here.

"Well, home sweet home!" He said with exaggeration, a low chuckle followed after. "Go ahead, you get to choose," he said with a shit eating grin. I returned his gesture with a scowl. Because of this he opened his arms in shrug, as if not caring that I was starting to hate him.

I let out a low huff and led slowly myself into the cell with 2 windows in it. I promptly turned around and watched as he locked the cell. Once he had, he spun the key ring on his finger with a little whistle. "Well, goodnight sweetheart." He turned  on his heel and walked away from me with a pep in his step. When he closed the door to the room with the cells, he gave me one last smile and that was the last I saw of him. Atleast for now.

{ Hi guys! Just a little FYI if I update and theres some lower case i's and that bothers you I'm sorry. I turned the autocorrect off on my phone so it happens quite often. My bad. Feedback is always appreciated and it lets me know im doing something right. Thanks.}

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