chapter 14

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"Rise and shine!" I heard a familiar voice yell from outside if my room. I quickly jumped up, startled from the loud person outside my door. I quickly changed into something decent and opened the door.

"Hello Lily," he said as he leaned against the door frame. He was back into his normal attire and god damn he was attractive. He was clad with Lucille and all.

"Hey Negan," I said while slowly walking out of my room. I looked behind Negan to find that there was a girl waiting behind him. She had darker brown hair that was accented with waves. Her uniform was a tight black dress that came up above her knees. She must've been one of his wives.

"This is Sherry," Negan gestured to her. "She will be showing you the basics in the kitchen. She knows all about it since that's where she started off as well." I looked back to Sherry to find that she was nodding in agreement which was a good sign. "I'm going to go on a run and if you hear anything suspicious let me know," Negan announced.

Before we parted ways Negan winked at Sherry and she smiled back in a flirtatious manner. This sparked anger deep inside of me for no reason. Was I really getting that jealous..?

"Bye Tiger," Negan said, pulling me out if my trance. I looked up to see him standing at the corner, waiting for my response.

"Bye," I say while giving him one last smile before parting ways. I followed Sherry down to the cafeteria where she began to tell me the basics of working in the kitchen. She explained how sometimes the saviors would go out and scavenge for some food. That would be a nice job to have since I'd be able to leave this full place. But if have to convince Negan. And that would not be easy.

Once Sherry started explaining the distribution I found out that Negan normally likes to have his food delivered. So maybe that'll give me the opportunity to talk to him about switching jobs. Or at least I'd be able to talk to him and continue with my new found hobby of checking him out.


After serving the last batch of vegetable stew I could honestly say that I was exhausted. But it was nice to meet some new people. Thankfully all of the cooks were decent people and some of them were really cool.

I also had the opportunity to meet some of the people in the compound. I'll admit that most of them are assholes but at least I could put names with faces now.

As I scooped the last little bit of dinner into a container I noticed the that whole room grew silent. I turned around to see that Negan had entered the room. Everyone's chatting had died and the room was filled with silent tension. As I looked back to Negan we made eye contact. He took this as a chance to speak to me.

"So Lily, would you mind bringing some of the dinner up to my room once you're all done eating yours?" He asked. His voice had a slight hint of power that made you want to cower. But I felt sound so I stood my ground. {AN: look at me making raps}

I turned fully around to face him, finding that he had been looking over my shoulder. I leaned back on the counter behind me as he leaned down closer to me. I could feel my face heat up at the feeling of him being practically on top of me. "Yes sir," I said with all of the confidence I had, although I felt quite nervous. My heart was beating fast and my hands were shaky.

"Good, I will be seeing you then," he said as he backed away. With out another moment he walked out the door with his carefree strut. I stood still, feeling stunned for a moment. But then I shook it off and began preparing his bowl of stew. I was still quite shaky and it only got worse and I headed up to his room.

I searched for the infamous double wooden doors that everyone spoke of. Of course Negan had to have the most luxurious entry way. And he probably had the biggest room in the whole compound.

When I found the doors I was surprised to find that it was down the hall from my room. I guess all of the bedrooms were in the same area. It made sense anyways.

I hesitated to knock on the polished wood and thought of ways to back out of this. But I figured that stalling would only make him irritated so gently hit my knuckles against the door. I waited a moment, my nerves becoming shot again, and then the door swung open slightly.

A young girl poked her head out of his room, making me stutter in confusion. "Uh, um, Negan told me to bring his dinner to his room. Is this not it?" I asked the girl. She looked to be only in her teens which startled me. Why would he have a teenager in his room?

"Oh this is it, he's just in the Wives Room. I can show you the way if you'd like," she responded. I simply just nodded because I still didn't understand why she was in his room. That is until she came out with a basket full of clothes. She worked in the laundry area.

She turned to lock the door and we headed towards the Wives Room. So Negan keeps his door locked. Interesting.

I could help but try to make conversation with the young girl. "So how are you?" I asked. It had been so long since I've tried to spark up a conversation it felt odd.

"I'm alright. I'm just tired of doing this old mans laundry everyday. I've been doing it for far too long." She stated with a sigh. Her curls bounced as she walked with an exhausted stomp. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay. I've been here for about a week and I've been adjusting pretty well," I admitted. In all honesty, I felt that I was adapting to the odd environment successfully.

"Oh so you're the one and only Lily. You know Negan has made you pretty popular around the compound. Everyone sees you as his prized possession."

My eyebrows furrowed at the thought of being the hot topic for the sanctuary. Although Negan did have a meeting with everyone that was about protecting me. But I, Tiger Lily, being Negan's possession? This something I could get used to hearing.

"Well this is it," she said as she stopped in front of a black door. "I would always knock before going into there," she explained with wide eyes. I could only imagine what happens in the Wives room.

"I never got your name," I stated as the girl began walking away.

"The names Bo." She smiled and walked away with her large basket filled with clothes.

"Bo. I'll remember that," I quietly spoke to myself. I turned towards the black door once again and prepared myself for the unknown.

{yep hi hello my bad. I meant to update like 2 days ago but things have been very busy. But in order to make up for it I'm planning on updating again within the next day or so!

Also this is who I imagine Bo being: Amandla Stenberg.

I was going to have her name be Rue like from Hunger Games but then I would be ripping off the character completely

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I was going to have her name be Rue like from Hunger Games but then I would be ripping off the character completely. So her name is Bo. :) }

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