Forbidden Heart- I WANT PAYBACK!!! chp 3

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So sorry it's been soooooooo long!!!! I shall be posting a chap of this every Sunday if I don't I will treat you all with two chaps on Tuesday :D sounds fair???? :D

Well here it is, o btw this story isn't about vampire or that stuff...

Chap 3

__*Anna's POV*__

I make it to the skate park before I'm completely worn out and crying. No one's here in the morning, I take off the dumb boots, throw them by a tree and start rubbing my sore feet. My tears have started to stop forming but I've grown a huge headache. My mom always thought I was the perfect girl doing everything they told me to, until last year when I met Al, he was the new boy, and within days he became a superstar at our school. It's was quite funny at first I had fought him for the spot of 'popularity' because I was the most popular before he came, but that's beside the point, when we started getting together he made me see what mom was turning me into nice, perfect, cheerleader and all that goody thing, and so slowly I ditched things one by one, being nice to everyone (this includes swears words), being perfect, and finally I got fed up with being a cheerleader captain, what every girl hoped for. Things totally turned when my mom started yelling at me for quitting cheerleading... yup that's right I swore at her... in the same night I'd lost my virginity, all in a whole week, and now this, I don't know why Al wanted to keep it a secret that we had sex... he's so complicated sometimes, but I had to say it because my mom arranged a marriage for me, and was stupid enough to say that I was still a virgin.

"It's ALL because of my mom!" I yell into the park. "It's ALL her fault, if she hadn't forced me to then this wouldn't have happened, I want PAYBACK!!!"

I stoped and put a hand to my chest, taking 10 deep breaths. Suddenly I come to my senses; I had just lost Al... probably forever...

Then the tears start coming back.

__*Al's POV*__

I'm such a baby, running away like that, but I just couldn't bear standing there to watch Anna cry; besides I have better things to do! I finally reach the abandoned building, well that's what everyone thinks, but it's actually not, it's a hideout for the 'Animals'. Well basically it's a gang, of dangerous killer humans, that carry knifes and guns. I haven't told Anna this, I don't plan to, and telling her to keep the sex a secret was just a test to see if she actually could keep a secret, but obviously she failed. I really wish she hadn't, I really wanted to tell her this...

"Hey man," Lucas greets me, he's one of my best friends here.

"Sup." I greet back.

"You lookin' down mate."

"Yeah, girl problems."

"Oooo, ouch." He says bringing his right and back and shaking it.

"Ha ha very funny." I say.

"I never said it was funny!" he complains still amused.

Behind him I see a girl coming towards us, "As always Alice's disguise is always astonishing!" Lucas comments.

"You two assholes!!! Get in and stay in, your attracting waaaaay to much attention." Alice yell/whispers. We lower or heads and walk into the abandoned building, imitating little boys told off, Alice laughs and smacks our heads gently.

So watcha think of that?????? Was it good????? Please tell!!!




Heather xox

Stories from my nooby days :3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ