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I'M SO SORRY IT HAS BEEN AGES!!!! I've had soooooooo much things to do!!!! I promise I'll post every Thursday from now on! :D anyway this is chap 6!

Chap 6

__*Nick's POV*__

I entered the pub where the party for Alex was supposed to be held; jeez this place stank like always!

Walking around, I was almost immediately bombarded by girls. I pushed through them gently and briefly saying 'hi' to those I knew. I spotted Alex around the middle of the dance floor looking puzzled and angry staring at something.

I walk to him and tapped him on the shoulder, he spun around looking alerted then relaxed after seeing me.

"Oh it's just you Nick." Alex murmured.

"What's up man?" I asked. Alex turned away and looked towards the middle of the dance floor, I followed his gaze and saw a girl with flowing brown hair... THIS COULD NOT BE HAPPENING!

"Who is that girl?" I asked Alex casually deciding not to jump to conclusions. He smirked, looking pleased with himself.

"That's a girl I picked up at the train station."


I didn't wait for an answer I knew exactly who it was, and made my way to the girl, Heather. Jordan spotted me first and waved, I glared at him, and he gave me a puzzled look and continued to dance. Heather turned around and faced me, her eyes were shining, and I felt my anger melting away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Heather.

"Dancing! Wanna join?"

"No." I muttered coolly.

"Ok, whatever have it your way." She shrugged.

"You know each other?" Jordan gasped.

"Yeah, why are you so surprised?" I asked. He shrugged.

"C'mon Jordan! Stop talking to the boring person!" Heather sulked.

"Your coming home this instant!" I hissed grabbing Heather's arm.

"Ow! Let go! Who do you think you are!" she screamed twisting in my grip. "Why are you acting as if you're my brother!?"

"I'm not." I growled.

"Actually you are..." Jordan sniffed.

"Stay out of this." I said. Noticing that a few people had stopped dancing and was watching the drama. I added, "All of you."

"You asshole!!! You're acting like you rule the pub!" Heather glared finally wrenching from my grip. I see a few people who had been watching started to whisper to each other, even though the music still blared in the background.

"Heather can you come with me?" I muttered.

"No." she said firmly and started to move by the beat again.

"Please!" I yell over the noise, I'm really bad at begging just so you know.

"Just leave the poor girl alone." I hear a teenager from beside me yell. I glared at him and he raises his eyebrows but turns away.

"Seriously dude, what is wrong with you?" Jordan hisses.

"Nothing wrong with me, what about you?" I hissed back.

"What about me?" he challenged.

"You guys stop arguing; look I'll come, OK Nick?" Heather sighed exasperated and lead me outside.

"What?" she says crossly leaning against the wall outside.

"Nothing." I said.

"What is wrong with you? First you cause a scene in there because you need to talk to me, and now nothing?"

"What are you doing inside a pub? You're not even 18 yet!" the guard by the door raises his eyebrows at us.

"Like that has anything to do with you!" she yelled.

"No, but-" I take her phone out of my pocket. "I can always bring the adults into this."

She gasped, "You are so bossy!"

"Yeah, darn right." I hear a voice say, Alex. "Dude, what's wrong with you? Why are you being so retarded?"

Good question, why was I being such a retard? Was it because Jordan was dancing with Heather?

Heather stomped off and moved passed the guard. Alex behind her.

Ok what do you think???????????


Heather xox

Stories from my nooby days :3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz