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Hey ppl's sorry if I kept you waiting for long even thought I think half a day is not that long, anyway I'm introducing a new character in this story to make things more complicated, I have no idea where this story is going but we'll see when I've finished it, please comment, and vote if you like it, I always love to hear what other ppl say. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this chap.

Chap 3 ½

"Nick!" I basically squealed, sitting upright on the bed.

"Aye, open the window." He laughed. I stood up, and for the first time I realised I still had my sandals on, I kicked them off and rushed to the window to let Nick in.

"Hey." He said raising a hand; Nick was still wearing the same thing as yesterday.

"Hi," I walked back to my bed and sat cross legged on it, then patted the bed notifying Nick to sit down as well.

"How's your throat?" He asked.

"Why do you ask?" I tilted my head,

"Well you were screaming a lot yesterday..." he replied. I nodded. 'Meow' came a sound outside my bedroom door, and then I could hear scuffling. Nick raised his eyebrows; I laughed and got up to open the door. Outside stood my cat, Amber, she had gorgeous tortoishell fur and amber eyes. I picked her up and closed the door.

"You have a cat?" Nick asked.

"Well duh, what else do you think is in my hands? A rabbit?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well no, but I am allergic to cats..." Nick waved his hands about, I laughed then, I don't know why but I laughed, I probably sounded loud and hysterical because Amber flinched and hissed (meaning she was pissed) and Nick raised both eyebrows. I quickly shut up, and was greeted by an awkward silence. I sat back on the bed. Nick sneezed, I laughed, he sneezed again, I laughed harder, and handed him a box of tissues.

Finally after 5 non stop minutes of sneezing and laughing, Nick took off. Well I went to go get some allergy tablets and returned to see Amber curled up into ball on the bed, and the window open with the curtain swinging gently from the wind. I sighed, and settle down next to Amber, which purred like a mechanical machine, bloody loud. Slowly I drifted off into sleep.

It was late when I woke up, and my stomach growled in protest, which made me realise that I had gone a day without food. I went to the fridge in my room and made myself a tuna sandwich. I really badly wanted to see Nick, so I decided to once again take a midnight trip to the city. This time I brought myself a train ticket, which costed around $110, but it was a monthly ticket so I guess it was kinda worth it.

The train came once every half hour, and I missed the one before, totally out of luck, I thought, shivering a goose bumps crawled across my skin. By the time the train arrived, I was frozen to the bone. I jumped onto a carriage and was immediately greeted by warmth. After a few stops I was at the city, this time there were a lot of people still mooching around, girls laughing with their friends, tossing their heads and flirting with random people. I didn't give a shit, all I wanted to do, was find Nick.

"Hey." came a voice from behind me, Nick? I thought spinning around. NO it wasn't Nick, it was some other random boy teenager, my heart drop to my toes in despair that was until I realised how handsome this boy looked, he had curly surf blond hair, with stunning blue eyes. NO I thought fiercely to myself, you cannot look at his features, it is Nick you are looking for, but I couldn't stop myself looking at his six-pack which obviously stood out from him unlike Nick. "Not a regular?" The boy asked me, I shook my head, "I only came here today to find someone." I say sweetly,

"Oh OK, want me to wait with you?" He asked, I shrugged, how come every boy in the world is so nice to me, I thought.

"My name's Alex, 18 year old. You?"

"Um, I'm Heather, 17." I replied.

"So who are you waiting for?" Alex asked me, oh shit! I thought, I don't even know if Nick's coming here.

"Friend." I sniffed.

"Ah." He nodded as if it were he predicted, "Most of the girls here are also waiting for their friends." I then walked towards a bench and sat there, Alex beside me. We just sat there in silence, not talking moving, nothing. And slowly bit by bit, the clock reached midnight, and people started disappearing, some into the city, some on the train home. I waited, and waited with Alex. Finally he broke the silence.

"Um, not being rude or anything, but could this friend of yours have forgotten to pick you up?" He asked, I couldn't blame him, anyone would have asked that.

"I-I-I'm not sure," I stuttered. And once again we fell in a silence.

This is the last chap for the day, no cliff hanger, just a new character. Please comment, and if you liked it vote! :D

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