Forbidden Heart- chp 4: secrets

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Ok in chap 3 u guys found out that Al is a dangerous person, criminal??? Drugdealer??? Killer??? Keep reading, and u'll find out, I hope u guys enjoy forbidden heart, you can always give feedback even if it's not that nice,

Chap 4

__*Al's POV*__

"OK, wig, green contact lens, that's it!" Alice smiled up at me.

"Took you long enough. Hurry up!" Marcus complained. Marcus was our boss; he's really nice and treats himself like he treats others, but he's really impatient.

We ran down the alleyway softly, today Marcus was going to show me some advanced shoplifting.

__*Anna's POV*__

My phone started beeping, a text from Ruby. Ruby was my absolute best friend; we were both naughty and popular at our school. She had perfect natural straight hair and pretty green eyes, and was in the cheerleading team.

'wat u up 2?' it said,

'fight wif bf and p." I texted back, we had this thing about parents so we nicknamed it into just 'p'

'ouch, bad?'

'yea, probs broke up wif bf and p in hospital' I felt tears coming back from the mention of Al, but quickly rubbed it away and told myself to get a grip.

'OMG, sozzies, u wanna tlk?'

'kk where?'

'meet u @ da mall in 10' I got up, walked over to my boots and stuffed them on, almost forgetting to fix my make up.

__*Al's POV*__

"OK we're here." Marcus eyed the mall from behind a truck, then straightened shoulders and walked forwards, I did the same.

__*Anna's POV*__

" yeah that's what happened." I finished, Ruby and I were both sitting at a café. She nodded sympathetically.

"C'mon let's clear your mind and go shopping!" Ruby smiled energetically, took me by the hand and dragged me to the closest shop. Laptops.

"Why are we going to see laptops? Don't you have one?" I asked, looking around at the latest ones.

"Yeah I guess but some new ones are really good!" Ruby inspected one of the latest, a touch. I sighed and rolled my eyes, today was going to be a long day.

__*Al's POV*__

"Laptops, one of the hardest things to steal." Marcus smiled, "You know why, young lad?"

"Because they're attached to a wire, and if you pull at the wire the machines beep?" I stated.

"Yes, exactly, you watch me in action, and then you target the store downtown." Marcus whispered his eyes set on one of the latest brands, which also had two girls' hovering over it... that girl with the gold locks...

So? SO? How was it??? Did you like it????

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As always thanks for reading!!!!

Heather xox

Stories from my nooby days :3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora