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Hey everyone! It's good to see 18 votes so far!!! Well here's chp four, enjoy!

Chp 3 recap:

I stepped past the man and entered the pub...

Chp 4

__*Heather's POV*__

It was really disgusting inside; everyone was teenagers, even the waiters. It smelt like vomit, shit, and smoke. A boy and a girl were kissing in the corner, someone was throwing up by a table, the music and talking was so loud I couldn't hear myself thinking! I suddenly felt a hand snake around my waist, I shrieked and spin around. It was Alex. "Oh it's you." I say relieved. "Mmm. Careful, even if your alone for one second, someone's gonna take you." Alex whispered in my ear. I nodded, totally regretting my choice of coming inside this pub.

I see a cute teenage boy getting up from his spot by the counter and walking towards us. He had smooth blond hair and green coloured eyes. "Hey Alex." The boy yelled above the noise. "Aye Jordan." Alex yelled back, Jordan eyed me, scanning me from top to bottom. "Oi!" I yell, "Stop inspecting!" Jordan raises his eyebrows, amused. "Who's this?" he asks.

"Heather." Alex says. Jordan nods and tilts to the spot he was sitting before. We follow.

There are two seats by the counter, one which Jordan has taken, Alex sits on the other one and pats his lap motioning me to sit on it. I scrunch up my nose, "We've just met..." I say cautiously. Alex shrugs and turn to Jordan saying something I couldn't make quite make out, Jordan nods, looks at my with a stupid grin, and turns to a girl next to him. They shove along one seat. Jordan motions to the seat in front of me and I sit, Alex on one side, Jordan the other. "Want a drink?" a female waiter asks me, eyes on Alex, "Um, ok, water please." I smile. The waiter looks at me with one raised eyebrow, and Alex leans over and whispers something in her ear, she grins and leaves. I feel so left out. After a few seconds to waiter returns with my water, and a beer for Alex, that's probably what he asked for, I thought, as the waiter hands us our drinks.

I was totally wrong.

I take a sip of my water, it's cool and refreshing, and I feel cleansed inside. Jordan yells something to the waiter and she nods bringing back a beer, Jordan winks at me and gulps down his beer. Suddenly I feel exhilarated, and a wave of excitement rushes through my body making my slightly dizzy and crazy. I look at Alex, who gives me a weird look, and I sit on his lap. Jordan looks questioning at Alex, after a second he smirks. Then I feel totally out of control.

__*Alex's POV*__

"Want a drink?" Lucy, the waiter asks Heather, with her eyes on me.

"Um, ok, water please." Heather smiles and I shake my head, Lucy looks at me with a raised eyebrow, so I wanted to have some fun, not illegal is it? I lean forward and whisper in Lucy's ear, "Spike her water, not too much though, just a bit to get her going." She grins and walks off, a few seconds later she comes back, with a beer, and the water, I didn't ask for a beer, but ok. I see Heather taking a cautious sip of her water, as if reassured nothing's wrong with it she takes a couple of gulps, that's the good thing about drinks being spiked, you can't taste it. Jordan asks Lucy something, and she comes back with beer, Heather turns her attention, to Jordan who winks and gulps down his beer. Suddenly I see Heather swaying a little, she looks at me, and I sorta frown, the she sits on my lap, holy fuck! How much did Lucy put in her drink?! Jordan looks at me questioningly, I turn my head to the 'water' Heather's holding, and he smirks. "WHOOOOO!!!!" Heather screams, I jolt in shock, and so does Jordan.

"Dance with me Alex!" Heather laughs, dragging me onto the dance floor. Fuck, what have I gotten myself into!

HEHE >:) not much of a cliffhanger right??? Mwahahahah!!! Anyways, I'm NOT writing the next chp until I get 25 votes!! So get voting, remember to become my fan!!! Also tell other ppl about my story, and comment for suggestion!!!

Vampire_a-rose xox

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