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Hey this is chap 3, I didn't know what to really write for this chap, so I sorta made things reallllllly complicated, lol ^^ thankz 4 reading please comment and vote if you like it. :D also look out for my other story Forbidden Heart

Here we go: Chap 3

I don't know what had gotten over me, or how I could've done it, well I did so ha! Alex just sat with me, for 2 hours!!! Doing nothing, that was so sweet of him, until he asked me where Nick was. Well he didn't know that it was Nick just that I was waiting for a friend. In fact how come I was so sure Nick was even going to come??? I fooled myself that Nick was going to come; he probably had his own friends to go to, had his own party to go to, in fact he was probably just messing around with me, playing me up. How could I have missed all these tell-tail signs after having so many boyfriends??!! Oh, I know, because I'm always the one playing with them, going with the flow. How the fuck could I have let this happen to me?! Nick is probably the first one ever to dump me, no that we ever had anything. Well, I'm not going to make an out of myself in front of the perfect chance, that's right. Alex.

"I'm not sure my friend is coming." I say 'friend' harshly.

"Oh, OK." Alex says nervously. Ha! I got him dangling on a string! Whoop-Dee-do!

"Do you know the city well?" I ask sweetly, he nods, "I've never really hung around the city before." I continue, "Could you take me around?" he totally blushed, then turned around at me with startling blue eyes, and a gold-brown lock of hair dropped across his forehead, which was totally sexy. I tugged at his bare arm, which was practically bulging with muscles. "I've got a party to go to at one..." Alex says glancing down at his watch. "Take me there." I insisted, he looked sort of doubtful but shrugged. We stood up and made our way to the gate, I scanned my card, and he jumped over the gate. I laughed, he winked and I wrapped my hands around his arm, and we took off like a couple.

I don't know how far we walked but by the time my sandals were making blisters on my feet I stopped, grimacing in pain. I bent down and took my shoe of there was a huge, red blister, threatening to burst. I frowned. Then it went so fast, I was whirled onto Alex back, he was giving me a piggy-back! He bobbed down and I scoped up my shoes and he started running. After about ten minutes he put me down, we were at a pub.

"This is where you party is held?" I asked shocked, yeah, I know, I'm a naughty girl, yelling at mom, sneaking out at night, but no matter how naughty I am, I DON'T go to a PUB, because of an incident that happened to my sister... that doesn't need to be mentioned, BUT the point is that I do NOT, and will NOT ever in my life, EVER go to a pub. So ha! "Yeah that's where the party's held." Alex nodded disturbing my thoughts. "Um... I'm not really interested in pubs..." I say waving my hands about.

"Really? Why?" he asks. Bloody hell! Did he have to ask that?! Before I could answer a man inside the pub saw us, or more should I say saw me, and came outside, obviously drunk. The drunken man turned to Alex, "is this bitch yours?" he asked, I gaped my mouth open in shock, which turned to anger, before I could stop myself (I have a flaring temper, :D) I slapped him, hard across the face, he fell, which was totally funny, but I was to angry to laugh. "HOW THE FUCK DARE YOU! NO ONE EVER, EVER CALLS ME A BITCH AND THEY NEVER WILL!!!" I screamed. Alex snorted trying not to laugh at the bawling man, I should've just turned on my heels and left, but I felt sorry leaving Alex so instead I stepped past the man and entered the pub.

Ok, guys, I'm evil, hehe >:P, CLIFFHANGER, lol, it's not really a cliffhanger, but, it's interesting, I didn't plan for this to happen, infact my original draft didn't even have Alex, I just got carried away, which is a good thing, please comment, I love it when people do, I love it more when people vote and become a fan :D this is the last chap for a while, it's s really short one. But yeah. I'm starting a story called Forbidden Heart tomorrow, I've posted a sneak peak of chap 1 please read that. Anywayz catch u all l8ter!

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