Chapter 33: Goodbye

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Rose's POV

It's my last night in Korea. We all went went out for a farewell party, but it was depressingly awkward.

Everyone said their goodbyes and left. My flight was in the morning so I had to sleep early. But the thing was that I couldn't. I tossed and turned for hours. I decided to go to the guys' apartment. Maybe I could stay with-

Soft knocking disrupted my thoughts. I looked through the peephole to discover the person outside but with no use, it was too dark. My hand was ready to turn the knob when the person started to speak. "Please stay...I need you Rose."

I stepped away from the door in shock as the voice continued to speak. "You can't leave, we love you very much. Please don't go, I love you."

Who knew that those three words could be so bittersweet.

Taehyung's POV

I can't believe this is happening. In a matter of hours, she'll be gone.

My eyes were glued to the ceiling, refusing to close. The letter that Jimin gave to me earlier was...I don't ever want to read it again.

The only thing that came to mind was that I needed her. I waited for so long and at an instant I pushed her away to the point where she won't ever come back.

Next thing you know I was at her door, debating whether to enter or not. I decided to respect her apartment and knocked.

I know she won't answer but I had to get it off my chest, this is the only way I can talk to her, if she would only listen. There was no response, as expected. "Please stay...I need you Rose."

My head leaned on the door, failure seeped in and I fell to the ground. She's so close, not even a foot away from me, and I can't be with her. I know I caused her pain and agony, but my selfish needs beg me to keep coming back to her. "You can't leave, we love you so much. Please don't go, I love you."

This was my last attempt to get her back, after she leaves, she won't be mine anymore.

Rose's POV

I felt helpless. Conflicted. Lost.

He has been my source happiness as well as my sadness. As those words were being spoken through the door, images of our last encounter surfaced. Tears streamed down my face as I silently reminisced my last words to him.

I never want to see you again.

My hand ran through my hair as I quietly sighed. Those words, those last seven words, I wish I could take them back.

I heard some movement outside and went to the door. With my hand on the knob, I was prepared to rip it open and run back to his arms. As I turned the knob he spoke again, "I'll never say goodbye, it hurts too much. Just know...that i'll always be yours."

Shuffling and a soft thud snapped me back to my senses. My knees buckled and I feel onto the floor covering my mouth to quiet my sobs. What do I do?

J-Hope's POV

This is it, she's officially leaving. We were all in the living room avoiding eye contact from one another.

Looks like none of us slept last night, considering that Jin didn't make breakfast and that nobody has gotten dressed.

There's this conflicting feeling within me, as much as I want her to stay, I think this is what's best for her. With that in mind I changed into some ripped jeans and a black hoodie.

This incident doesn't change the fact we're still celebrities, we need to keep ourselves hidden or this will blow up in our faces.

I closed my door and peeked into V's room, it was dark but I could hear some mumbling. He wasn't outside with the others, so is he not coming to say goodbye?

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