Chapter 1: Accidental Airport Meeting

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Rose's POV

All I could hear were the squeals of teenage girls getting louder and louder. I looked over my shoulder and saw a massive crowd of them running towards me. I completely froze and shut my eyes hoping for the best.

I found myself on the floor, trying to soothe my head. It felt like something or someone was on me.

Opening my eyes, I saw a face that was inches away from mine. His hand was coming towards me, only to pull away with drops of blood on it.

My eyes grew wide, "Are you okay?!" 

He nodded his head and pointed at me with a worried expression on his face.

I put my hand in the place he was pointing at and realized that it was my blood. I immediately covered it up and looked around.

There is a huge group of fans surrounding us and all of them looked pissed. I got up and walked away as fast as I can "Wait!!!"

I turn around and saw him yelling but I ignored him. I can't believe that I meet him like that.

After what happened, I went straight to my hotel room and threw myself on the bed with a grunt.

"I can't believe what happened today! The one chance I get to meet a star like him and it was just...embarrassing!" I said with an upset tone.

I was replaying the scene in my head over and over. I realized that I needed to tell my sister because she is a BIG fan.

I went to get my phone, but I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere for it but it was gone! I swear I had my phone with me at the...

All what happened back at the airport hit me like a truck and my face instantly fell with every hope I had crashing down.

I couldn't believe it, there was no way I was going to get it back but I had to find it by all means necessary. So I emailed my sister to call my phone to see if anyone would pick up.

A couple of hours later, she told me that the person who had my phone wanted to return it. I was so relieved that I was going to get my phone back, but there was one thing. He had it.

"You're going to meet him again!!!" my sister squealed as she was skyping me.

"OUCH! You're so loud!" I screamed at her while taking my headphones off.

"I'm sorry, it's just that he's like a VERY BIG DEAL! You know!?!" she said while trying not to fangirl.

I laughed, "I know it's a big deal but he's a person too. The last thing he needs is another crazy fan."

"Yeah yeah I know...anyways here's the address and good luck" she said sarcastically. 

She hung up and I threw myself on the bed once more. "I can't believe I'm meeting Taehyung again!"


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Shifted Scheme (BTS fanfiction - Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora