Chapter 11: Trouble in Paradise?

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Rose's POV

It seemed that we were going to have an additional person for the day. I honestly didn't mind her being here. The more the merrier, right? Our destination was a garden full of mazes.

From the top of the hill the view of the garden was indescribable. We decided to split into two teams with Suga being the referee.

Hide and seek might seem childish but it wasn't that bad, it was actually really fun!

I couldn't wipe the smirk off my face as I tried to hide from the others. I looked around the corner to see if anyone was there.

A hand appeared and pulled me out of sight, "You need to stay hidden Noona."

"I know but we can't stay here forever they'll find us" I whispered. "You're right, let's go" Kookie grabbed my hand and started walking.

Jungkook's POV

As we were walking I noticed Namjoon passing by. I immediately stepped back and covered Noona's mouth.

I took a peek around the corner to see if the coast was clear. Looking back at Noona caused my heart to beat rapidly.

Not one of us spoke but just looked at each other. My hand slowly uncovered her mouth, "Sorry Noona, there was someone."

She gave a small smile, "It's fine, we should get going or-"

We were interrupted by Namjoon, "Found you! I knew you guys were here!"

We both got up and started to make our way out of the maze. "I can't believe we got caught, I really wanted to win." she said but with her eyes forward.

"Sorry Noona, I wanted to win too. How should I make it up to you?" I asked.

She stopped and looked up, "You don't have to I'm just giving you a hard time."

We continued our way through the maze when the sound of giggling started to rise. I turned to see the cause of the noise, Rachel and V hyung, laughing and hugging each other.

I felt a tug on my sleeve, "What are you looking at?"

I placed my arm over her and led her away. "Nothing, probably some people are still in the game." If Rose finds out that they used to date, I don't know what would happen.

The game ended with Namjoon's team winning. As punishment we had to pay for dinner.

Rose's POV

Overall we had a pretty good day! After everyone was filled with food, people started to drift away and explore the island.

I was really tired so I decided to stay in. Jin, Suga, and Kookie also called it a night.

We were watching a movie but for some reason I couldn't focus. Time passed by and all I could think of was Taehyung. He had been by Rachel's side the majority of the time, but that wasn't what bothered me.

It was the way he looked at her and the chemistry that they had. Was there something between them I didn't know about? Why was this bothering me so much? There's nothing serious between us but...

A hand appeared in front of my face, "Are you okay Rose?"

I looked at the owner of the hand, "Oh, I'm fine Jin..."

But was I? Is everything really okay?


Hey guys!

Finally an update! 

Sorry for not updating sooner. 

I had to get used to school again and I finally had time to release a chapter.

This is really short but I hope you guys enjoy it.

Please vote and comment, I really want to know what you guys think of the story so far.


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