Chapter 9: Take off

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Rose's POV

It's been a month or two since I've seen the guys. They've been busying and I've been crossing some things off my to-do list.

I've meet with them here and there, but the reason I don't understand is why? I know things like this will end up with bad outcomes. It's not that i'm pessimistic or anything, but when it comes to this I know for fact that something bad will happen. 

It was around 5 am so I made some coffee and went to the patio to look at the city. I leaned against the rail remembering what had occurred since I've met them.

Memories started to flood my mind and a grin appeared on my face. The events that have occurred were amazing and to think that this was all began with an accident. It was pretty embarrassing but I wouldn't change it for the world. It was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone knocking on the door. Going towards it, my hand turned the knob and revealed a person standing there. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper.

He yawned as I motioned him to enter, "Good morning." 

I smiled and shook my head in disbelief, "Morning sleepy head."

"What are you doing up so early?" he asked while rubbing his eye. "I couldn't sleep, what about you?" I sipped some coffee waiting for his response.

He scratched his neck, "Just checking to see if you were alright." 

Really? He came all the way here for that?! I went to the kitchen to hide my very red face. This is too early for this. I came back and we sat on the couch.

His eyes were barely opened as he yawned once more, "You should go back to bed we still have a couple of hours until we need to go" I suggested.

Oh, if anyone is wondering. They invited to Jeju the last time we met. I know, it's absolutely insane, almost unreal. I denied so many times.

One, they need a break from everything. Two, I almost felt bad that they were taking time to hang around me. 

They could be doing things like being with their families or doing some other cool stuff. I guess I'm really not that much of a bother to them.

"I'm fine I can sleep on the plane, besides this is the only time I can spend time with you" he whispered.

My eyes grew wide and I looked away trying to hide my smile. He got closer and put his arm around me, "Why are you hiding? If you keep ignoring me I'm going to tickle you."

"Okay fine, just don't tickle me" I said with my hands up in defeat. He laughed, "Okay I won't, but just promise me one thing" I put my hands down and looked him in the eye.

His smile left and placed his hand on my cheek but he never broke eye contact with me, "Stay with me."

My lips curved and I gave a slight nod, "I promise Taehyung."

I placed my head on his shoulder as he held my hand. I felt so safe whenever I was with him; we sat there and soon enough I fell asleep in his arms.

Taehyung's POV

I laid on my bed trying to get warm, but failed miserably. I looked at my phone, Four o' clock in the morning. "It's so early, I really need to sleep" I mumbled to myself.

Then something in my mind sparked. A grin crept on my face and I quietly got dressed and headed out. Times like this is rare. 

I knocked on the door a couple of times but no answer. I was going to knock once more, but the door opened. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a coffee cup in her hands. Morning person I see.

My eyes shut and a yawn came out, "Good morning."

She replied and we headed inside. 

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked while rubbing my eyes, trying to stay awake. 

"I couldn't sleep, what about you?" she answered.

Well this kind of caught me off guard, "Just checking to see if you were alright."

For some weird reason, she just got up and left. Was it because of what I said? She came back and sat on the couch.

My eyes could barely open and I yawned once more, "You should go back to bed we still have a couple of hours until we need to go" she suggested.

I was determined to stay up, for her.

"I'm fine I can sleep on the plane, besides this is the only time I can spend time with you" I whispered.

Looks like I'm getting to her. She tried to hide her face, so I got closer and put my arm around her. "Why are you hiding? If you keep ignoring me I'm going to tickle you."

"Ok fine, just don't tickle me" Rose said with her hands up in defeat.

A slight chuckle escaped my lips, "Okay I won't, but just promise me one thing..." 

She slowly put her hands down and looked me in the eyes.

I placed my hand on her cheek, "Stay with me." 

We stayed like this for a while, until her lips curved, "I promise Taehyung."

Those words made me feel complete, as if nothing else would've ever made me this happy.

She suddenly placed her head on my shoulder, I was surprised at first but I just leaned my head on hers. I held her hand and even though there were no words that was more than enough.


"Rose? Are you up?" I whispered while slightly lifting her face, it's been a while now and I have to pack my stuff up. She was sleeping so I got up and slowly placed her body on the couch. I put a blanket on her and a pillow under her head.

I sat on the ground and scanned her face, since the first time I met her it has been a ride. So many things have happened since we've met, yet it was so worth it. My feelings for her have grown each day, she's always on my mind. I just want to be with her, I just want her to be mine.

I kissed her on the forehead and whispered, "Goodnight Rose." I slowly got up and made my way out with a huge smile on my face.

Rose's POV

Waking up to a ringing phone isn't always the best thing. Yet that didn't matter, once my senses came to me I jumped and ran to get my things.

Knocks came from the door, "It's open!"

Soon they came in and asked if I needed any help. We loaded the van and dashed to the airport. As we ran through the mass building, I looked at my watch. Only 4 minutes until take off. 

We just caught the lady about to close the door when we yelled for her to stop. We gave her our tickets and went inside.

"I can't believe we made it!" Namjoon said as he sat in his seat.

"Tell me about it, I have never seen any of us move so fast" J-Hope added.

"At least we can relax so we can be ready for Jeju" I said while fanning my face.

"Rose is right guys, we need to get some rest" Jin said while brushing his hair with his hand.

Hello passengers this is your captain speaking. We will be taking off soon. Please put on your seat belts and enjoy the ride.


Hey guys!

Hopefully this chapter didn't seem too repetitive. 

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Shifted Scheme (BTS fanfiction - Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें