Chapter 18: Plans

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Rose's POV

The guys love spending time with Kyungjoo, especially Namjoon. They've also taken a liking to Kyungjae. They all go out and do whatever guys do. I've been thinking about taking another trip with all of them.

"We're back!" Kyungjoo came in with bags in her hands. Namjoon came in and closed the door.

I gathered things to make room, "You can set them on the table."

After putting up the groceries I sat down. "How is your schedule looking like this week?"

He was leaning against the sink, messing with his water bottle. "Not much, why?"

Glancing at Kyungjoo a smirk appeared, she knew exactly what I was thinking. I looked back at a puzzled Namjoon, "What would you say if we go on a camping trip?"

He had a questioning look on his face, "That would be cool, but where would we go?"

Kyungjoo answered, "My family has a cabin here. There's plenty of room for everyone."

I smacked my hand on the table, "Well it's settled then, I'll go tell the others."

Going to my purse I handed Kyungjoo a small gift, "Here's some money, go watch a movie or something."

She shook her head, "It's okay, you don't have to."

"This is for getting the groceries. Now go have fun!" I insisted. I literally had to push them out the door.

I went to the couch and laid down. She's going to thank me later for this.

Namjoon's POV

While in line, I saw Kyungjoo looking at the list of movies they were showing, "What movie do you want to see?"

She looked at me, "Doesn't matter, as long as it's an action or comedy."

Her long black hair flowed down to her shoulders and her brown eyes sparkled. My heart started to pound. What's happening? Why am I feeling like this? A hand was in front of my face, "Are you okay?"

Snapping back to reality I gently shook my head, "Yeah, sorry for spacing out." 

You're such an idiot Namjoon. She just shrug her shoulders, "How about that one?!" 

Tugging my sleeve and pointing at a nearby poster. I nodded my head in agreement and we moved up in line to get our tickets.


Walking out of the theater, we decided to go get ice cream. "That movie was awesome! All the fights and explosions!"

Being around her is very relaxing. She makes me forget about all my worries. Smiling I responded, "It was a really good movie! We should do this more often."

Looking towards me she grinned, "We should."

We were about to cross the street, "I had a really good time-" The sound of a car made me turn, it was making its way towards us.

Turning to Kyungjoo she was a bit ahead of me. Sounds of the horn gained her attention. Taking a hold of her hand I pulled her towards me. Crashing our bodies together.

I have never been so frightened in my entire life. Looking down our eyes met, "Are you okay?"

A slight nod was given along with an unintentional flush on her cheeks. I released my grip on her and my hand slipped into hers. From there we started walking, "I better hold onto your hand, just in case."

Not sure if this was the best move, but it felt right.   

Kyungjae's POV

I came into the apartment and saw that Rose was watching tv. She asked, "Hey! How was your day?"

I went to the kitchen and got some water, "It was good how about yours?"

She stuffed some popcorn in her mouth, "Same. Would you mind if we went to the cabin?"

I sat by her, "Not at all, it's been a long time since we've been there. When are we going?"

She offered the bowl and I grabbed a handful, "In a couple of days, we need to get some things and-"

Bringing her hand to her face she started coughing. Blood seeping through her fingers.

She made her way to the bathroom. I followed in case she needed help.

I patted her back as she continued to cough up blood. I don't understand, my mother said she was getting better.

When she finished I cleaned her face, "Where are your pills?" 

She started to stand up, "On the nightstand in my room."

I helped her get into bed and got the small vial. There was a picture of her with the guys. Taehyung hugged Rose from behind.

Sitting on the bed I faced her, "When are you planning to tell them? They're going to find out sooner or later."

Her head was hung low, "I don't want to be a bother. They have better things to worry about."

She's always been like this, putting others' needs before her own.

Lifting her head tears streamed down her face. She whispered, "I'm tired Kyungjae. I'm really tired."

I broke down. Of all people, why was she chosen to suffer?

My lips met with her forehead, pulling her in for comfort. "I know. It's okay Rose, you have me and Kyungjoo and-"

She pushed me back, "I'm just a burden to everyone! You and Kyungjoo have lives-"

Her head went to her hands, soft sobs escaped. This disease has taken such a toll on her and bottling it up is making it worse.

I pulled her in once more, hand glided down her hair. She spoke into my chest, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

I continued stroking her hair, "It's okay Rose, just let it out."

As time passed by her breathing calmed. I glanced down, she was sleeping. Moving her head I slowly placed it on her pillow.

As my eyes went to her face, tears continued to slip down her cheeks. My heart sank at the sight of this.

Here I was with the girl that I deeply love, withering away. My best friend, my little sister...

I've been by her side for so long, protecting her from any harm. The time that she needed me the most, there wasn't anything I could do.

I used my thumb to wipe her tears. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you.


Hey guys!

I hope it wasn't too sappy.

Let me know what you think!


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