Chapter 15: One Step Closer

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Jimin's POV

Overall dinner was pretty good. Everyone's either watching tv or went to bed.

I looked towards the kitchen to see Rose washing the dishes. Maybe I should help her...

Reaching for her phone and her eyes grew wide when she saw the screen. She brought the phone up to her ear and said something softly.

She headed towards the door and started to put on her shoes. "I'm going for a walk, i'll be right back."

Something didn't feel right. I might not spend as much time with her as the others, but i'm never wrong with things like this. I got up and grabbed a jacket, "I'm going to the store."

The door closed before anyone could respond. I quicken my pace to catch up with her.

Rose's POV

I had to get out of there, this phone call was very important and the last thing I needed was a misunderstanding.

"Hi Dr. Park how are you?" my emotions were stirring inside of me.

"I'm doing fine Rose! Well do I have news for you." She began in soothing voice.

Beats of sweat rolled off my forehead as I bit my lip. Anxiously awaiting for her response was excruciatingly painful.

She sighed, "Rose it looks like everything is going to be okay."

The tension in my body escaped and I could finally breathe.

"Rose? Did you hear what I said?" concerned since I haven't said anything back.

"Yes, I did. Thank you so much." I croaked. I could hear sniffling through the other line.

She paused and cleared her voice, "Remember that you have one last appointment. If everything looks good then you'll finally be free."

I thanked her once again and hung up instantly falling to the ground. My body was shaking as if I had no control.

Tears were falling but not because I was sad. It seemed this was the only way to express my gratitude towards the result.

This burden that was placed upon me has been lifted. This moment, this exact moment, is what freedom feels like.

Jimin's POV

I followed Rose making sure she didn't know I was there. I don't want her to think I'm a stalker. I just care.

As I kept walking the buildings became familiar. Soon enough the name of the place came to mind. The Han river.

People became obstacles and I lost sight of her. My pace started to quicken and the bad feeling worsened.

I turned the corner and came to a halt. There she was, standing near the water.

Breathing in and out due to the running I took small steps forward. Her arm fell and her body followed.

It seemed that it happened in slow motion. No, this can't be happening. "Rose!"

The fear that I had occurred. I wished that my intuition was wrong. I prayed that this was just a bad dream and I would wake up.

Running towards her I lifted her body up. She was shaking spontaneously as if life itself was fighting for a way out. "Rose, what's wrong?! Please be okay?!"

My vision blurred and I wiped my eyes so that I could focus on her. My hand slowly brushed her hair to the side, her face was glistening under the moonlight.

"Jimin..." her frail hand slowly rose to my face and wiped my tears. A small smile appeared and the shaking faded away.

I brought her body to mine and wrapped my arms around her. Squeezing her tightly and stroking her hair.

I felt tapping on my shoulders, "Too tight...can't breathe."

Releasing my grip on her, my hands went to her face. "What happened? Are you sick? Do you need to go to a doctor?!"

She started to sit up, "It's okay, nothing's wrong."

My blood began to boil, "Nothing's wrong?! How can you say that?! You just collapsed! I-"

Words could not escape as a knot began to form. I looked down to compose myself, "I thought I lost you."

Her hand came towards my face to wipe the tears that were falling. "Jimin, I promise that I will never leave you. Any of you."

Rose's POV

We walked around the river in silence. Trying to plan out my explanation I was interrupted. "Rose what happened?"

I turned to see Jimin with a concerned look on his face. "I just got overwhelmed, don't worry that doesn't happen all the time." 

This was just a special case.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him once more, "Why did you follow me?"

His eyes avoided mine, "I-I wasn't stalking you. I just had a bad feeling about you leaving late at night."

I brought his face up to mine, "I'm not mad, I'm actually glad you came."

He grabbed the hand I used to lift his face and held it tightly. His eyes were glossy, "Please tell me."

Taking a deep breath I embraced him, "I'll tell you when the time is right..."

I stepped back to see his face, "...but you can't tell anyone about tonight Jimin." He was hesitant but nodded.

We continued walking, "Since this is over with, we need to get to the store and buy something or the guys will be suspicious that you came back empty handed."

Stopping yet again he asked, "H-how did you know that?" 

I faced his direction with a small grin, "You talk really loud."

Taking a couple of steps I turned to see him still there.

"Are you coming or not?" Shaking his head caught up to me and we left.  


Hey guys! 

Hope you guys liked it^-^

Another thing is that there will be two new characters in the story! They will be introduced in the next couple of chapters. 

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