Chapter 14: Coming Home

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Rose's POV

"That's the last one!" I yelled as I placed the last piece of luggage in the car. We had one more day in Jeju, but the boys had to go back and start working again.

Honestly, I don't know what will happen once we get back.

"Is everyone in the car?" Jin asked as I entered shutting the door. 

"Ready to go!" I announced as I wrapped the seat belt around my body. Jin dashed off to the airport or we were going to miss our flight. Again.

Waking up late started to become a tradition; we woke up and realized that we missed the alarm and, well, you know the rest.

After passing the plane entrance, we all sluggishly dragged ourselves to our seats. We were too tired from running so everyone sat down in random places.

I haven't said much after we left, i've been debating what I should do once we get back. Do I just get up and leave so I could do what I originally planned? Many things have happened between Taehyung and I and we aren't even dating?! What am I to him? What's going to happen now?

Suga's POV

It was really weird sitting by Rose, it's not that she's awkward or anything. It's just that we've never spent anytime together.

She seemed so out of it and I didn't want to bother her. That idiot already screwed up and they aren't even going out?!

"Rose, are you okay?" I'm unsure what possessed me to do this but I couldn't help it...

She turned and faced me, "What? Of course i'd be. Why wouldn't I?" 

Her smile told me yes, but her eyes were a different story. Unexpectedly, I placed my hand on top of hers, "Do you want to talk about it?" What the heck am I doing right now?!

She gently shook her head, "It's okay. You should get some rest."

I patted her hand, "Okay, but if you need anyone to talk to i'm here." 

She beamed, "Thank you Yoongi. You know you're different than what I thought you'd be."

She started to turn but stopped and faced me again, "Oh, I wanted to say sorry about Jeju. I know with everything that happened you weren't able to enjoy much." 

A smirk crept up on my face, "Don't worry about it, I actually had a lot more fun than I thought."

She nodded and turned to look out the window. What just happened? I NEVER talk like that to anyone! It felt so strange to be acting like this, then again, it was so gratifying.

Jungkook's POV

We're finally home! Shoes and suitcases flew around and people either threw their bodies on the floor or the couch.

The sound of soft giggles began to rise. Everyone turned their heads to find Rose laughing, "You guys never fail to make me laugh." She made her way towards the luggage and started to unpack.

Jin and J-Hope hyung joined, " You guys better get up and start unpacking, we can't do this by ourselves" Jin announced.

The whines and groans of the members began to grow. Rose got up with a luggage in her hands, "If you guys hurry up i'll make whatever you want!"

Bodies began to pop up from the floor and spontaneously moved around, placing the clothes in their proper places. I just watched her laughing at the other members actions.

All of a sudden I felt a hand hit my head, I turned to see the source while picking my hand up to relieve the pain. 

"Quit spacing out! We need to put this up." Suga hyung said as he gave a suitcase to me. Aish!

Taehyung's POV

"This is delicious Rose!" Jimin hyung commented as he stuffed some meat in his mouth. "It's amazing who showed you how to cook?" Jungkook asked.

Rose placed her drink down and looked at Jungkook in the eye, "My mother."

It got quiet, so Hoseok spoke up, "Hey Rose, have we ever told you about the time that Namjoon tried to cook meat for us?"

"Hyung, please don't!" he begged.

She placed her head on her hand leaning in to hear the story, " No, what happened?"

He started off saying that they were all going to a restaurant after a fan meeting.

I glanced at Rose and her joyful expression.

She faced me and presented a reassuring smile, I gave one in return and from that moment I made a promise to myself. I'll never hurt you again. Never.  


Hey guys!

I hope you liked the chapter!

It's a bit short but the next will make up for it^_^

I've noticed that the storyline is kind of dragging so i'll kind of speed it up a bit.

Let me know what you guys think! 

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